(8m) The war of Israel against Palestinians - January/February 2024

More of my post on Facebook during January and February 2024 about the terrible conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

FB 03/01/2024 - No targeted liquidation of terrorists, but a collective punishment

A minefield in the Middle-East. The bombing of the Gaza Strip continues while Hamas members are murdered outside Israel and the Palestinian territories.
As long as the conflict remains limited to the Middle-East, Israel may gain because people in the rest of the world can't continue to protest the tens of thousands of dead and wounded Palestinians. And when Islam terrorism returns to Europe and America when Muslims are angry that too little is done to enforce a ceasefire, Muslims will be blamed. Indeed, mainly Muslims are killed by other Muslims such as likely happened today in Iran, still they continue to blame others for this violence.
And thus, for now, Netanyahu likely can continue to order the murders of other humans, instead of a targeted liquidation of Hamas terrorists. But one day this acceptance may change.

FB 06/01/2024 - Growing divisions over American Israel-Gaza Strip conflict

President Biden starts to have opposition from within his own administration. Indeed, how can he defend an Israeli government that doesn't mind the killing of more than 22 000 Palestinians, including children, and many UN employees? Yes, he has a weak voice to demand more caution from Israel's government. What is wrong to demand a ceasefire, and selective extermination of Hamas warriors?
This is also a reason why president Biden may lose from Donald Trump as many Biden voters may no longer turn-up to vote for someone who supports a genocide. Indeed, a two-state solution is the future, unless Palestinians are successfully eliminated in Israel, and thus a two-state solution is no longer needed.
And PM Netanyahu is unlikely to stop as he may have had a vision for a final solution. A vision from who? God, or the devil?

FB 13/01/2024 - Victory for Mr Trump if people may not turn up to vote for President Biden's Israel support in Gaza?

I have written before what MP Sanders is now warning for: a possible victory for Mr Trump.
Indeed, American progressives notice the weak response by president Biden in relation to Israel that is allowed to murder ten thousands of Palestinians, including close to ten thousand children. At the start of his presidency he left Afghanistan where many Afghans rightly feared the return of the Taliban. The latter could be justified after the presidency of Mr Trump; what happens now cannot be excused as only a more selective extermination of Hamas fighters should be done and not the destruction of an area.
Many young people and progressives may not vote a second time for Mr Biden, while Trump supporters may feel even more the urge to vote for Mr Trump when they think he may win. Still, maybe this is president Biden's plan, or a Democrat needs to fix the mess in the Middle-East. And Netanyahu knows that Mr Trump may not forgive him for his early congratulations to Mr Biden on his presidential election win.

FB 13/01/2024 - South Africa brings Israel before International Criminal Court

Why South Africa went to the International Criminal Court is summarised in this article.
Indeed, we came to live in the years of revenge: when Palestinians celebrated the terrible attack of Hamas on Israelis, Israel now has time to revenge its deaths and hostages. But, as revenge is not a good teacher, S Africa has the moral right to bring Israel before the ICC as they too were once victims of European settlers. Compare with white leaders who are afraid because of their past to challenge Israel's government for the terrors they bring to Palestinians.
Still, if old books are right, than punishment will come for the terror Jews brought to others. Indeed, when you read extremist Christians their websites, and what they say, although they seem to support Israel in what it does, it is not because they like Jews, but instead it is too advance their own prophecies. Still, how many Westerners still accept what those extremist Christians preach? Few. And thus we should hope extremists will either moderate, or lose.

FB 29/01/2024 - Start of WWIII?

People fear president Biden will start WWIII. Unfortunately, I fear they may be right. Israel commits genocide on the Palestinians that president Biden approves, even when Israel breaks international laws since nearly the founding of the state of Israel.
Now president Biden thinks he must seek revenge for the killing of American soldiers. Remember president Bush who didn't want revenge, only punishment for what terrorists did to America on 09/11, and thus Afghanistan was attacked with as few casualties as possible. Three years ago, normal Afghans even begged America to continue to protect them against the terrorist organisation Taliban. President Biden refused.
Now, he may have little mercy for the killing of American soldiers by people who are angry he allows the killing of thousands of Palestinians, including children, by Israel.
America should retreat from any Muslim country as any of its actions, such as not protecting Syrians from their president Assad, continues to anger Muslims as America only seem to kill Muslims. Sometimes people become too old to be president, and they no longer know what they are doing. Whether Biden or Trump as president, both are too old for world peace.

FB 03/02/2024 - Israeli ambassador summoned by Belgian government

Belgium has taken the Israeli ambassador to task after Israel bombed a building housing the offices of the Belgian development agency in Gaza. It is not known why, one reason could be because Belgium decided to continue aid to the Palestinians. After all, although Israel wishes to stop this aid because, according to Israel, approximately 13 people out of a total of 13,000 UN employees are said to have participated with the Hamas terrorists.
The problem is that Israel thinks it can bomb mosques, hospitals, schools, and homes, while these are clear violations of international law. Until now, crazy politicians have somewhat adhered to this because they feared the consequences, while they now find that this is actually allowed without consequences.
Israel now thinks to further limit aid to Gaza, thus further allowing more people to die, including children. Yet this cannot continue, even for President Biden who recently punished Jewish settlers for carrying out terror in the West Bank. Extremists, never good, whatever the religion.

FB 03/02/2024 - Killing people in hospital is justified?

First, when terrorists are hiding in a hospital, of course security services should try to neutralise them, first by trying to arrest them, and if the risk is considered too large, then by killing them. But, those services shouldn't assume to go to kill, no other option. Because, Jews think their Messiah will destroy non-Jews, not unite the world behind their God.
Israel claims Hamas terrorists use civilians as human shield. But, where can Hamas fighters hide than between people? And because Israel continues to kill, sometimes near whole families, they understand that more Palestinians will try to kill Jews, because normal people will become angry that their family and friends are killed. And thus will Israel have an excuse to continue to kill Palestinians until an ethnical clean Israel where the Temple can be rebuild, that God that does not live. But, they should be careful as others too claim that building.
And do not forget, once the Palestinians are defeated, there are others that are evil according the one-God religions, such as LGBTQs. Indeed, all evil hates LGBTQs.

FB 04/02/2024 - What is the definition of genocide?

What is genocide? It is not only about killing people, but also to destroy their buildings and books so, in case some people survive, they will have no culture left to remember their past. Hitler did this with the Jews.
In Gaza everything is being destroyed, whatever the cultural value so that this can no longer be remembered. Islamic State, the Taliban, and other fanatics have done it before. We seem to live in the age of destruction so that the past is eradicated and humanity can restart from zero. What a terrible price to pay for a possible future peace.

FB 05/02/2024 - Criticising Jews is not necessarily antisemitism

Antisemitism, of course it is wrong. Being against someone simply because someone is born in a certain society is wrong.
But, that cannot be an excuse to be silent over extremists. What we see today happening against Gaza is indeed Islamophobia that goes back to the story of Abraham/Ibrahim whereby the first born son was considered inferior as he was born outside marriage, and thus thrown out the house after his second son was born inside his marriage, and thus who was considered legitimate. A story that affects societies even today when parents do not recognise their children who are born outside marriage.
Ask LGBTQ Jews how Jewish extremists see them. Indeed, as less than humans who will burn in hell. A story that still affects many people who have to hide their sexuality or face unemployment and even prosecution. Remarkable, everywhere many mostly not-very-nice-people agree on this, including real antisemites. And thus, in many countries with poor human right records, LGBTQ people suffer as if this will earn their abusers heaven.
When one reads the old stories, even the god of the Jews was often angry with his people, and punished them. Because, a section of Jews continue to belief they are superior, without progress on new interpretations such as all humans should be equal.
Thus, antisemitism is wrong, but opposition to fundamental views within Jewish society can educate them. Just as in other societies.

FB 09/02/2024 - USA warns Israel not to attack Rafah without plan to limit innocent victims

Even the USA is now warning Israel it can't attack Rafah, the largest refugee camp in the world, without a plan to limit the numbers of innocent victims.
Will Israel take this warning in consideration? The truth is, if Netanyahu decides to bomb the city, any death Palestinian is one that is gone. Thus, will he take any life of Palestinians who he considers as Ãœntermensch in consideration, or will he continue the ethnic cleansing? How will the USA respond in the latter case?

FB 15/02/2024 - Israeli army invades Rafah hospital

What we knew would happen is now happening: the Israeli army moves into Rafah and is already in the hospital, without any preparations to save the lives of civilians.
There is a clear policy: move Palestinians from north Gaza to the south, kill, so people will be forced into Egypt, and Egypt will be forced to accept them to prevent more Palestinians are killed.
When Palestinians are gone, peace in Israel, and the rebuilding of the Temple. Or, so we may hope. But, will extremist settlers accept all Jews as they are born, or will some Jews, and anyone who defends them, become the next enemy from within? Remember Israel's history that was about civil wars. We will see how this moves on. But Jahweh didn't predict any good to come as his people would worship a building and land, not their God, although they think they worship Him. And He hates people who worship idols that do not live.

FB 16/02/2024 - Egypt build walls in Sinai

Unfortunately, only yesterday I wrote that probably Netanyahu's plan is to drive Palestinians out of Israel into Egypt, something known as ethnic cleansing. Stalin did the same in the USSR. And Egypt is not very welcoming as it is building walls to block access in the wider Egypt. Poor Palestinians, born to live imprisoned.

FB 27/02/2024 - Showing a film about Israeli-Palestinian friendship is antisemitic?

A Jewish and Palestinian filmmaker are condemned because they advocate a peaceful living together in Israel-Palestine. Now the Jewish filmmaker is condemned for antisemitism while they applaud a Jewish leader who has over his political career never ever tried to have peace with Palestinians but instead, against all international laws, accepted the extension of settlements and restriction to ever smaller areas for Palestinians. Now that man ordered the indiscriminately murder of Palestinians, young and old included, without a chance for peace.
This is dangerous. Indeed, someone who was nearly not born if his grandmother who was born in a concentration camp had not survived that camp, is now called antisemitic. In his own country, Jews are threatening his family, while the Palestinian filmmaker is also not sure what to expect back in the Westbank. Indeed, the history of Jews in Israel learns us they fought, and likely will fight again each other, just like elsewhere when extremists have no longer a common enemy. May that be the reason why their God allowed foreign empires to invade His land so Jews would be exiled and stop killing each other?
Germany should be careful not to side with extremist Jews in the hope it will excuse their past, or anger may be directed towards those Jews who want peace, and thus a stable world. Be careful for those who don't bother the killing of thousands of people without wanting peace, one day they may turn against those who don't want a ceasefire.


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