
Showing posts from December, 2013

(10g) Genetically-modified plants - pros and contras

Recently, I saw an interesting short video (although, what can you discuss in 5 minutes?) in which a scientist discussed genetically-modified (GM) crops (and food) with someone from UK's Green party. She said she wasn't completely against GM crops but thought it is not good that only a few companies rule the planet concerning GM crops and that larger numbers of crops should be grown. Indeed, she is right that it can't be that a few companies are becoming so powerful they silent everyone who criticises them, not only politicians but even others working in this field of sciences. On the other hand, the professor was very right to say that many scientists not even had a chance to test the safety of GM plants because they are not even allowed to grow and test them, except on a small scale in their own labs (or in some developing countries). Over the past few months there were a number of occasions when people protested against GM crops from Monsanto and others but I am s

(18c) Mr Nelson Mandela

Dear Mr Nelson Mandela, May you rest in peace as you were really a remarkable man who had to live an extraordinary life. As a younger man, you came up for your own oppressed people, i.e. black people in a racist South-Africa, ruled by white people. However, you quickly understood you had to defend everyone who has fewer chances. As a result, you spent many years in prison, so that 27 years of what could have been your best years were wasted. Still, after your release you embraced everyone: black people but even those white people who sentenced you to jail. You had one condition: they had to speak so errors could be acknowledge and then corrected. As a result, a society developed where black, white and other colours can live together in what is today known as the Rainbow Nation . Although, we should not forget President F.W. de Klerk who liberated you because another person holding the office may have resulted in another outcome. Of course, it is still not perfect, and many