
Showing posts from February, 2012

(07) Introduction to changes in the financial system to make the world more equal

Very soon, I will start discussing how I think the financial system should be adjusted in order to get a fairer world, whereby I will try to introduce rules that will allow each individual to have an equal chance in life although each person will be at a different level at the end of their life due to individual choices made. Indeed, as I mentioned before, rich and poor people will always exist, but it should not be due to the existence of an unfair system that focuses on some people who are paid too much while others (sometimes with more useful jobs) receive much less. But, inequality should only exist because decisions made by individual people (e.g. people investing their money wisely will become richer than those who spend all their money, or people who work longer hours will earn more than those who decide life is more than just work). This series will include changes to the way (some) people are paid; most ordinary people will recognise this as they are paid as I will discuss (

(03e) The Three Power system in society - Schools

In a previous post, I explained how the Three Power system should work in politics, while there is always a Fourth Power to control the other powers i.e. the voters. However, this system is not limited to politics and politicians but can also be used in many other parts of society, e.g. companies, hospitals, schools, ... . Here I will explain how it can work at the level of schools. I have a reason why I discuss this. Less than one year ago, I was a science teacher for more then one year. Often, it was a very hard time at, what people might call, a failing school. Many children didn't show any respect for the teachers, the bad behaviour of the children often encouraged by their parents as many parents disagreed with teachers. As a result, teachers came and left or became ill. Some children had the impression they could do whatever they wanted because there were no consequences (although a number of children where removed from the school). An additional problem for me was that chi