
Showing posts from January, 2021

(12ad) Reversal of digital electricity meter is not allowed. But, why not use more than one?

Belgium's Constitutional Court reached a verdict that the government can't introduce legislation that allows the reversal of digital electricity meter when people release electricity produced by their solar panels to the grid . The result: people have no return on their investment so fewer people may invest to install solar panels; some think it was better not to have invested in the future energy production . This while the energy sector already convinced politicians about the uncertainty of the electricity market while investments in renewables by consumers were too expensive so a punishment of €100 was introduced on top of the electricity bill ; indeed, when the energy sector wants to build a new nuclear reactor plant than they can't have it that people produce their own electricity. A typical judgement to protect energy companies. The motivation of their decision according the article in the first link: De Vreg was tegen die verlenging [van de reversal van de elektrici