
Showing posts from May, 2023

(7k - EN) A serious conflict between the Delhaize and the staff

The conflict between the staff and the management of Delhaize continues. This article shows why the staff, together with the unions, may be right. After all, the profit margins of the stores are less today than they used to be. The retail landscape is changing dramatically. People now regularly buy smaller quantities instead of once a week. For example, it appears that shops managed by Delhaize have limited opening hours, such as not being open on Sundays, when many people go shopping these days. The reason? The staff must be paid extra on Sundays. Evening work must also be paid extra. People now also buy via websites while products are delivered to their homes. This is even promoted by Delhaize, as a result of which people go less to stores, and therefore stores have less income. Since the profit margins are less, it will also be more difficult for the self-employed to make the business profitable, especially since Delhaize is not cheap. An example is Snickers which can be up to 55% m

(8i) World Cup football

Introduction The World Cup is over, and I am sure that throughout the world many people enjoyed watching the games. There were surprises such as Morocco that became the first African and Arab country to reach the semi-finals that they lost. Other countries lost unexpectedly early in the tournament. Still, at the start of the tournament there were controversies about last minute changes such as the fact that the OneLove armband was forbidden. What can be wrong with love and not hate? Mr Thawadi, an influential figure in the organisation of the World Cup is wrong when he said that the protests at Quatar's World Cup are against Islamic values. Instead, they are about the right for people to be who they were born to be, without being forced to live a lie, or fear to be imprisoned or even killed when they are themselves. It started with Fifa boss Mr Infantino who first listed people with who we should be inclusive, to continue with saying that because of Europe's terrible past thr

(7k - NL) Een serieus conflict tussen de Delhaize en het personeel

Het conflict tussen het personeel en de directie van Delhaize gaat verder. Dit artikel geeft weer waarom het personeel, samen met de vakbonden, wel eens gelijk zouden kunnen hebben . Immers, de winstmarges van de winkels zijn tegenwoordig minder dan vroeger.  Het winkellandschap is drastisch aan het veranderen. Mensen kopen nu regelmatig kleinere hoeveelheden i.p.v. eenmaal per week. Zo blijkt dat winkels in het beheer van Delhaize beperkte openingsuren hebben zoals niet open op zondag, wanneer tegenwoordig toch veel mensen gaan winkelen. De reden? Het personeel moet op zondag extra betaald worden. Ook avondwerk moet extra betaald worden.  Mensen kopen nu ook via websites waarbij producten aan huis worden geleverd. Dit wordt zelfs gepromoot door Delhaize waardoor mensen minder naar winkels gaan, en deze dus ook minder inkomsten hebben.  Vermits de winstmarges minder zijn, zal het ook moeilijker zijn voor zelfstandigen om de zaak winstgevend te maken, zeker vermits Delhaize