
Showing posts from September, 2020

Buildup of Tensions in Societies Throughout the World

We notice worldwide tensions are growing within societies. This is mainly as a result of growing inequality but also other factors are involved such as a virus and climate change that destroys crops so people start to migrate as essentials become rarer and thus more expensive compared with what people earn. The result is likely that increasingly people in places where the migrants move to will demand a closing of their borders. Let's discuss. Financial crisis 2008-2009 While inequality was growing as a result of what many people earned versus rising costs of products, this accelerated when the financial crisis was organised just over ten years ago. As a result, people lost work and many even their home such as in the USA so poverty increased although the rich became richer. But, while house prices dropped because many flats and houses became available, those with money were able to buy them cheaper and sell or rent them out to make money when property prices rose again. The problem

(18m) Police violence against black people remind us about statues of historical human rights violators

A discussion has started/ is ongoing in Western countries after George Floyd was murdered by four white police officers while this happened not long after Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor were killed and a video showed how a white woman called police to falsely claim a black man threatened her. I wrote about slavery and its consequences shortly before  while these stories about police killing black people is not something new  while I suggested some solutions. The discussion is among others about whether or not to remove and/or destroy statues of slave traders, slave owners and leading figures who approved slavery, mistreatment of humans and enforced deportation of humans to other countries and even continents to force them to work without payment and even under threat of punishment and death if they didn't work hard enough. I acknowledge, not all slave owners were bad but they too lived in a time when black people's lives were in danger when they were free and thus being i

(3f) De Drie Machten moeten elkaar kunnen beoordelen

Inleiding  Een Slovaakse man werd vlak voor het vertrek van een vliegtuig gehaald, hij verzette zich, o.a. door zijn hoofd tot bloedens toe tegen een muur te slaan waardoor politie geweld moest gebruiken om de persoon in bedwang te houden.  Nadien overleed de persoon.  Een video van het gebeuren werd publiek gemaakt 2,5 jaar na de feiten.  Vragen moeten worden beantwoord.   De video toont ook hoe een politieagente de Hitlergroet brengt.  Rechtvaardigt dat niet tenminste een onmiddellijk op non-actief plaatsen en zelfs een ontslag vermits Nazis geen plaats hebben in de politie? See here for English. Vragen die moeten beantwoord worden  Waarom was de man Jozef Chovanec gewelddadig of werd hij dit pas toen hij van de vlucht werd verwijderd?  Hebben de agenten zich misdragen of moet beter beschreven worden wat men moet doen indien iemand zich agressief verzet?  Inderdaad, soms sterven mensen en dat moet worden onderzocht, zeker als er videobeelden waren hoewel blijkbaar waren diegenen op