
Showing posts from May, 2015

(08e) I finally watched the movie 'Noah'

I finally saw the movie ' Noah ' with Russell Crowe. I think it is a good one that reflects more what is written in the ' Book of Enoch ' than what is written in the Bible (as that is hardly anything), including references to the ' Watchers ' or angels who are shown as moving stones that prevents them from returning to Heaven. But the film also includes own interpretation . The Watchers The Watchers came to earth to t each humans many things. But as they disobeyed God's command not to descend to Earth to help the humans after they were forced out of Paradise ( I think because humans already started destroying the Earth and the apple tree represented the last food source that was destroyed so people ha d to move to other places for food ) , the Wa tchers were no longer allowed to return to Heaven . I like it that the heavenly beings had to remain on the Earth so they too were forced to make choices when things would go wrong due to their actions (s
I fancied another gratin with potatoes in a cheese sauce but with other ingredients then before. Ingredients Potatoes Broccoli Onion Red pepper Red beetroot Herbs Cheese Milk Preparation First, cut the potatoes in small pieces and boil until almost ready. Then cut the beetroot, onion and red pepper in pieces while split the broccoli. Do some butter at the bottom of a backing plate so it is less likely the food will stick to the bottom and add the pieces of vegetables (indeed, I didn't cook the vegetables in advance as they will in the oven without coming out the oven overcooked) as well as the boiled potatoes (the latter can already steam the other vegetables a little). Potatoes, red pepper, beetroot, broccoli and onion Now prepare the cheese sauce using cheese and milk. Add herbs according to taste (e.g. some pepper and dried thyme and basil but also cayenne pepper). Pour the sauce over the vegetables and add some grated cheese on top before adding in the o

Response to responses to a comment of me

Recently an interesting article was published in the Guardian in which the British writer and comedian David Mitchell discusses how the French thinker Michel Onfray claims the Western system is reaching its end and it seems that an interview with him started as follows: “ The cruel truth is that our civilisation is collapsing. It’s lasted 1,500 years. That is a lot already. ”. Thus, according to Mr Onfray, this period started after the fall of the Roman Empire when small European states rose. However, I think this period may have started during the Roman Empire when, after the Empire conquered many places, it opened our own desire to rule the world because these small countries later gave rise to their own empires stretching to every corner of the earth where they caused death and destruction (even amongst themselves during wars between family members ruling different countries or even within the country). Others claim these empires also resulted in progress in many of these plac

Dangerous flowers and pollinators

An interesting article has been published in New Scientist (April 25 - May 1, 2015) under the title ' Bitter sweet nectar: Why some flowers poison bees '. The article describes how in 401 BC a total of 10,000 Greek warriors were behaving as madman on the way back to home after a war against the king of Persia after having eaten some honey made by local bees. They were lucky as they recovered and could continue going home. However, during later wars, there were armies that were slaughtered by the enemy because the soldiers were unable to fight after having eaten the honey; some local armies even used the honey to intoxicate the soldiers of foreign armies and thus this became one of the first known chemical weapons used during war. Chemicals released in nectar of plants The article describes how some plants leak certain chemicals such as nicotine and caffeine into their flowers and so in their nectar . In general, insects don't like these substances as they taste bitte