(17i) More shootings in the USA

Over the past month, more gun violence killed people, by police officers but also by ordinary people - one reason why police often shoots as they fear suspects may have a gun that may kill them. Indeed, when weapons are almost freely available than mad people may get them and kill. Below my posts on Facebook. 
But, it is not only mad people who kill, sometimes we read also about children who find a loaded gun, often that of their parents (indeed, an unloaded gun is useless when you need to act quickly to shoot a burglar in your home), and wound, or worse kill, someone else or themselves. Then judges need to decide whether adults are to blame.
Many of these cases would not have happened when fire arms were not so easily available in society because of relaxed gun laws.


Mr Trump, out the White House but his words continue to live on. After always referring in racist words to the coronavirus, increasingly Asians are targeted with deadly consequences such as in Atlanta.

Why was it possible for this virus to cause so much suffering and ten thousands of deaths in the USA? Because idiots, of whom many but not only white supremacists, deny the virus and thus refuse to follow rules while acknowledge its existence by calling it after the country were it was seen first. 

Yes, we should be scared of those people who deny it. Because they are responsible that it can continue to spread and thus stricter rules are needed as they say will be. In Texas an elderly woman was arrested because she refused to wear a mask in a bank. In the end, they are right but because of their own stupidity that kills, either via the virus or weapons. Fear your doom and you can make it come true. And thus now anti-hate crimes may become laws to halt those who hate.

As a follow-up on the murder of eight people, someone posted a Facebook post to show the difference between the treatment by police of a white person who killed eight people, including six Asians versus a black person who smoked a joint. The white person was arrested and still alive. The black person killed no-one but died in custody. And yes, we know also white people smoke joints but why this product causes so much troubles is beyond belief. 


Sad to read about another mass shooting in the USA, the second in one week.
But, what do people expect in a society where people can have up to semi-automatic weapons at home? Sad to read each time innocent lives are taken away.


Sad but our planet seems to be in an ever growing negative force and as a result we have anger everywhere. 
Today an attack in the US by someone whose anger led him to the wrong "spirituality".
Two days ago in Brussels, police and festival goers clashed with each other. 
The past years, people were already angry and this virus, it depresses even more but not in the usual way that people stay in bed, but instead they become very angry and violent as they feel they are not in control. 

I too have these feelings and emotions whereby having a short fast run and long walks but also sometimes headbanging to wilder music can bring relieve from a painful body due to the build-up of stress hormones in muscles that also cause a fast beating heart. And yes, it also helps when I tell myself: this is the situation today, so let it loose as I am not in control. Breath in and out. Slowdown your brain.


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