(10n) Abortion, still controversial as it concerns children, although unborn
I wrote a number of posts about abortion and why it should be possible in exceptional situations such as after rape, to save the mother's life when things go wrong and when the foetus has a serious illness. Abortion shouldn't be another way of birth control as for this contraceptives should be used although I understand the pregnancy may be an accident and thus unwanted or the mother doesn't have the finances to support a child. A growing opposition to abortion is worldwide, including in Europe and the Americans but again and again people protest against stricter laws such as earlier in Spain and Alabama.
I also understand people who oppose abortion as it concerns unborn children; unless when it concerns a foetus with abnormalities because people who love children don't want that people will suffer their entire life after birth. In addition, techniques are now available that can detect genetic defects in foetus so only healthy foetuses are implanted in the mother, this way slowly eliminating heritable diseases although spontaneous mutations are always possible but these can be detected during scans and other techniques that may lead to an abortion. Now techniques are also sufficiently developed to heal certain defects even before children are born so they can survive.
In relation to abortion, October 2020 was also active and I published some comments on FB that I collect below, sometimes with editorial changes and additional comments.
A number of revelations in Italy angered people and mainly women whereby they even question the involvement of health professionals and hospitals, people patients should be able to trust while they probably expected the involvement of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC).
08/10/2020 - Aborted children are buried in secret
Anti-abortion, Catholic and far-right groups: the evils named together to point at women who had an abortion. In any country where religious people rule, the country remains backwards on human right issues.
I understand people can oppose abortion. But, then they should promote contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies that many of above groups also oppose. Often men who consider women are only rabbits to increase the population and later condemn people when they are not as they say they should be.
And what to do when women are raped by men? Or a severely disabled child will be born?
Women issues for which certain men know only a simple solution but that instead further complicates life.
But events became more explosive in Poland when the Constitutional Court ruled abortion of seriously disabled foetus is unconstitutional and thus is no longer allowed. This really angered many people, and thousands of men and women came to the streets to protest, including angry reactions against politicians but even priests and vandalism of churches and even of a statue of pope John Paul II who was worshipped as a Saint in what is known as a very Catholic country.
22/10/2020 - Conservative policies anger people
Where governments are in power who hate certain people who are born, that are often countries that enforce that everyone is born.
Poland is an example where PiS politicians declare LGBT free cities as they hate LGBTs for no other reason than religion.
Still and with the support of judges, they want to force women to give birth to children with foetal defects. This is not only a violation of women rights but also those of the children of whom a number may not survive long after birth while others may suffer for the rest of their life. Will the Polish government budgets sufficient support for families who have to care for a disabled child? Indeed, anyone born should receive the best care possible. Unfortunately but certain illnesses exist that justify interference to prevent lifelong suffering.
Poland, cursed because conservative Pope John Paul II was born there.
Additional comment concerning Pope John Paul II
I acknowledge that Pope John Paul II helped to bring down a communist dictatorship that opposed religions. But, he supported right-wing dictatorships in Latin-America that strengthened the RCC he ruled, even when priests who tried to defend ordinary people were murdered by militia supported by those regimes.
I acknowledge he tried to unite different religions and spoke with Jews, orthodox Christian religions while he didn't hesitate to throw out RCC groups that were even more conservative than him and among others promoted Latin mass.
Still, he promoted misery for LGBTs so they suffered as it justified human right violations by authoritarian regimes but even slow-downed equal treatment of all humans in normal democracies while delayed necessary actions such as information to slowdown the aids pandemic.
For many he was a living Saint but for many others a main source for their suffering as he influenced many throughout the world. And his legacy continues, even more than 10 years after his death. Indeed, a controversial figure both in life and death. But, it also shows we don't need to point only at Muslims when our own societies still have people who think in a same way.
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Remember the hate crime that killed 32 year old Ihsane Jarfi because he was born gay and thus lived a different life than pro-life protesters say he should have lived. |
01/11/2020 - Large crowds protest against the hardening of the Polish abortion law
Many Polish people are demonstrating against the Constitutional Court where judges reversed laws that exist since many years and that the ruling party was unable to reverse in parliament.
How can a Court decides something is unlawful when this is law since many years while parliament refuses to change that law? There should be a deadline for this kind of cases, i.e. when a Constitutional Court doesn't rule within a certain time after democratically elected lawmakers voted new laws or refuse to change laws, those laws are within the Constitution.
This change is mainly because the powerful Roman Catholic Church (RCC) lobbied for the end of abortion. But, people are no longer accepting the opinion of unmarried men who know little about families while hide their own crimes in relation to children or preach against LGBTs. The RCC, extreme right and authoritarian governments and jurisdictions, always supporting each other in their desire to control the masses.
But, times are changing and people can now speak for themselves. The fall of the RCC in Poland? Who mind if they only exist to force their laws upon the masses, including opposition to contraceptives that can prevent unwanted pregnancy and thus abortion.
Concluding comment
It is bizarre that mainly people who hate other religions and are strong opponents of Muslims in effect embrace similar ideas. Not only in Poland but also in other countries such as Russia but even in Western countries, (extreme) right claims to defend "Christian values" and a "Christian Europe" in order to justify their hate while they mean aversion of a multicultural society, misogyny when women disagree with them although many will defend women when they are in troubles, LGBT hate,... . The Norwegian mass murderer who killed people who wanted to discuss how to improve a multicultural society but also certain American and New Zealand supremacists are typical examples of white people who hate society and therefore kill. What is the difference with a small section of all Muslims they hate?
Compare with people who stopped being religious, some because it is easier not to believe but many because they embrace humanity and no longer want to be associated with religions that exclude. That's also why they rather embrace Pope Francis I who seems to embrace changes (see below) just as Pope John XXIII modernised the Catholic Church during the Second Vatican Council that included mass in the language of the people, something still heavily opposed by conservative religious leaders who rather prefer the previous Pope Benedict XVI, a close ally of Pope John Paul II.
LGBTs, women, abortion, all connected via religions. And thus the governments of Poland, the United States and other countries, including Uganda, Hungary, Belarus and Saudi Arabia, signed the Geneva Consensus Declaration, a statement challenging the right to abortion; indeed, countries with questionable governments.
21/10/2020 - Pope Francis I peaches to love all loving people
Let us hope the words Pope Francis I spoke in a documentary about accepting same-sex unions are also the words he will speak in public. It seems he finally understands the story of the Fallen Angel. If these words are real, then this means a lot to the current younger generation of families in which sons and daughters but also (grand)parents struggle to accept their sexuality although for others it may change nothing.
Will this be enough for older generations who suffered the hardship of often gay priests who told them it is wrong but were abused by priests who were protected by their hierarchy or abandoned by their religious parents or know people who committed suicide or were killed for their sexuality? Likely not. Even an official apology will not heal the emotional damage of many LGBTs.
Religion, a past institution that good people joined to help people in schools or hospitals while few reached higher positions as that meant changing dogmas. In contrast, bad people joined it to become powerful and control the masses. Today, good people don't need religion and become teacher or nurse/doctor.
What will be the response of conservative Christians? May they find comfort with Pope Benedict XVI or does he agree with Pope Francis I? A power struggle about the right teaching can be expected. Even President Trump talks more about God lately for have continuous support of America's right-wingers.
These are my comments; you can always disagree.