(15f) Afghanistan, three years after the return of the devils

Wednesday, 15/08/2024
Three years ago, the angels who liberated Afghanistan from the devilish Taliban and al-Qaida after they attacked the USA that resulted in nearly three thousand dead Americans, and after earlier attacks against the USA in other nations, those angels were defeated by the same devilish Taliban although al-Qaida was no longer involved after senior leaders such as Osama bin Laden were killed. Instead, a new force named Islamic State Afghanistan rose who are at the same level, some say even worse, as the Taliban. In the past I have written a history as Westerns know about 50 years of Afghanistan, about 50 years of suffering whereby the years under USA rule were not the worse years. Therefore, many Afghans who realised a defeat of the Western forces was imminent, tried to escape and those who were able to leave Afghanistan were lucky as the return of the Taliban equalled a return of human right abuses, and just as during the first rule of the Taliban especially women suffer. A shame that not everyone who helped the West to control Afghanistan were helped to escape Afghanistan when the devils returned. And for those who claim that under the USA there was violence, indeed, to fight the return of evil, sometimes violence is necessary.

Of course, idiots still think that extremist Islam is good while this Islam even suppresses Muslims. Many still think that America, and more general the West, are the bad side as the indoctrination by the devils is sufficiently efficient that people blame democracies that have human rights as evil because the devils convincingly preach that democracy undermines and eventually destroys their regimes whereby they use their one and only God as an excuse to rule over people. A God who may have sent liberators after the evils attacked the USA, but eventually sufficient numbers of people supported those devils, even when the extremists attacked hospitals to kill newborn babies and their mothers. It is unbelievable that people think they need to oppose the "evil democratic Western empires", even when almost everyone suffers from their own extremist, and sufficient numbers of Afghans allowed the return of the Taliban instead of helping the West to keep them out of power, so-called in the name of tradition, while Afghan tradition looked so differently from what the Taliban claims whereby there was music and beautiful clothes, and joy, although it seems this joy was limited for the elite so it angered many. While now, everyone, Afghan men and certainly women, suffer as enjoying life such as drinking tea together while listening to music is no longer allowed. Indeed, in hell there is no joy, there is only suffering. And thus many Afghans still try to escape their country to go to safer places, including the West. And cutting women from societies can have serious consequences

Compare with the West where people leave their religion en masse, even without living in a religious dictatorship, and only because their religion spreads lies about people who do no evil, such as LGBTQs, while most people consider women equal to men, except for certain men such as those in the Roman Catholic Church for whom women can only serve, and those in high earning positions where men don't mind they are paid more than women in similar positions. But, many Westerners also leave their religion as they cannot accept that only people from their own religion, i.e. Christianity, are superior to others, certainly when one specific skin colour is above all others. Westerners even dare to criticise their God for allowing mad people to suppress people in the name of religion, just like Abraham dared to question God when He wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah while there may still be good people living in those cities - as a result, good people continued to suffer from the actions of bad people until they could escape and the cities were finished. But I agree, there are also those who no longer believe for convenience. 

Still, also in the West, certain people become more extremist, and thus dangerous, as they claim they need to defend their vision of religion against people who do not believe, or who have another religion of the same God; often those people also dislike LGBTQs, just as many of the people of the religions they dislike. But, others don't want that Islam, and eventually its extreme side, can become a major influence in Western societies because they fear a reverse of human rights such as LGBTQ and women rights as we see in most Muslim countries; that is also why these same people fear that extreme right may gain power as there is little difference between extremists. 

And while it is correct that a large section of Muslim women in Western countries don't wear a headscarf, and certainly not a burqa, many don't bother what happens to women in certain countries such as in Afghanistan, but also in Iran where many people, women but also men who defended women, were killed during protests against police after a woman died in custody, not because she didn't wear religious clothes, but because police claimed she wore them wrongly. Certain Western Muslim women even demand the right to cover themselves completely and everywhere, even in places where religious symbols are not allowed such as in government, so they can distinguish themselves from those with the "wrong" religion. And thus people from other religions also demand to be able to wear their symbols. Indeed, religion is often about "I am better than you with your inferior God, and I want to show I belong to the right religion". Still, if society did not need to prevent that certain people feel superior to others, or protect people who may otherwise be forced to dress in a certain way such as in a burqa, than we may not mind the diversity of clothes as long as faces are not covered, because normal people want to see the world freely, except during carnival.  

IOC and UN talks on Afghanistan, do not defend Afghanistan's women
Still, there are women who continue to have the courage to put themselves in the spotlight to demand human rights for women, although not every organisation agrees with them. Indeed, during the Paris Olympic Games, Afghan athlete Manizha Talash from the Refugee Team (as her own government does not allow woman to practice sports) showed courage to highlight the terrible women right abuses in Afghanistan by wearing a cape that read "Free Afghan Women". However, for this she was disqualified by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and I can't understand that the IOC continues to disqualify athletes who defend human rights. The IOC knows women in Afghanistan live as animals guarded by men: women are forbidden from attending school, women are forgotten from walking around in society unless under the guard of a man, and since recently women are even forbidden from speaking outside their home. Still, the IOC makes the political statement of support for the policies of the Taliban, an internationally not recognised Afghan government as it overthrew the elected government, by disqualifying this Afghan female athlete who protested against the enslavement of women by men, men who hate even their own mother and daughters, but claim it is to protect them as Taliban men understand their own evil towards women, such as abuse and tape of women they accuse of not following their rules. 

The picture of Manizha Talash may become a defining picture of an IOC that runs mostly behind events; remember, the IOC even showed support for nazi Germany in the 1930s when Germany was allowed to organise the Olympic Games. Remember the picture of black American athletes who made a fist to protest against racism in their own country, and as a result it ended their career.

But it seems not only the IOC ignored the suffering of Afghan women, even in the third round of UN talks on Afghanistan in Doha, women’s and other human rights were off the agenda while Afghan women were not allowed at the meetings, much to the delight of the Taliban. This should be completely unacceptable. 

Aid for Afghanistan is not possible
This The Guardian article argues in favour to engage with the Taliban and allow aid for Afghanistan to support Afghan's women. Yes, if possible we should convince the Taliban that women rights are important, and so we can provide help to the country. Unfortunately, the Taliban extremists asks the West for closer ties, but they refuse better women rights so mainly men will benefit from aid as they can take first, while human rights of women will continue to be removed until women completely disappear from society; the fear is even that capital punishment such as stoning people may return as the Taliban continues to restrict any freedom, both for women but also for those men who don't want to abuse women. 

When the West was present, many Afghans saw their presence as wrong. After 20 years, Afghans who continued to experience the wrongs of the Taliban had the choice to help the West defeat the devils, and some did, but too many didn't, and thus the horrors of the Taliban could return, even when they promised to be better humans. Now Afghan men need to be weakened by refusing aid while unfortunately this harms women and children most; if only the Taliban understands why Moses was chosen as he defended women shepherds against men shepherds who came later but demanded priority so their sheep could drink first at the well. Now certain countries such as Russia and China start to prepare talks with the Taliban for economic reasons, and this will likely strengthen the Taliban to oppress women even more. 

In the end, Afghan women may have to kill Taliban followers, maybe even their own husband and sons. The West may also have to prepare Afghan expats for the day they can return with arms to defeat the Taliban. Indeed, Western suggestions to send Afghans back to so-called safe zones in Afghanistan can't be done unless we accept they too will have to oppress women, and anyone who is different. We need to prepare Afghans so when they return, they can liberate Afghanistan, or Afghans will continue to live in hell while they will try to escape their country. 


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