Buildup of Tensions in Societies Throughout the World
Financial crisis 2008-2009
While inequality was growing as a result of what many people earned versus rising costs of products, this accelerated when the financial crisis was organised just over ten years ago. As a result, people lost work and many even their home such as in the USA so poverty increased although the rich became richer. But, while house prices dropped because many flats and houses became available, those with money were able to buy them cheaper and sell or rent them out to make money when property prices rose again. The problem is when ordinary people bought property at quite a high price as an investment and thus have to ask high rent prices.
Ordinary people also lost money because share prices dropped unexpectedly that bankrupted some companies and nearly countries (such as Greece, Italy and Spain) so their credit rating was downgraded by financial institutes that were saved by those countries, making the situation even worse for those countries as debts spiraled out of control. But, many investors and financial institutions gained as they used the money countries gave to save banks to close offices as today more people use apps instead of banks whereby they transform these office in offices to let. I accept that in the meanwhile financial sectors have to repay the money countries gave and pay even fines whereby they use people's money so banks set limits to the amount people can take from their own accounts.
Now we're about 10 years later and although the economy seems to have recovered, many people's savings have not so, even when they found a new job if they lost theirs, many are still poorer than 10 years ago, certainly as interest rates on savings remain just above zero percent because the financial sector wants that we buy shares "to stimulate the economy" but enrich mainly financial institutes and investors. Because, how can we trust advisers when they were lying before the crisis? Or, didn't see it coming?
Thus, we need to have a fairer economy that benefits most people without excesses in one or the other direction as that bring imbalances that may result in chaos. One way to achieve this is via an automatic wages indexation system that respond in two directions according the economic situation but also active interference to correct an economy that overheats (such as rising property prices) or undercools.
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Building up of tensions, worldwide. |
Pandemic - SARS-CoV2 and religion
2020 just started and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) that causes the Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) struck the world (around China's New Year, ironically the year of the rat). The consequence was that countries and even continents had to go in lockdown to prevent the spread of the virus so economies worldwide came to a halt. The result was that many people lost their jobs temporarily or definitely while companies fear they may still need to fire employees or even go bankrupt, even when countries make huge debts to try to keep the economy going to prevent even worse. Still, uncertainty itself slows down economies. And ironically, Italy and Spain were among the worst hit countries in Europe, countries already hard hit during the financial crisis so their deficits became even worse. On top of this they face a migrant crisis.
After it became clear this virus was different, stock exchanges were still allowed to continue to trade shares that were at a high so many sold (e.g. Warren Buffet sold all his shares in airline companies because he understood they would face difficulties). Afterwards shares (partly) recovered, but very likely it were again mainly the rich and hedge funds that sold when share prices were high and bought back when share prices were low so they became even richer while many ordinary people were too late to sell their expensive shares and lost or fear to lose their job so many didn't dare to spend money on shares that may plummet a third time when the economic recovery may be worse or climate change may hit. Further, healthcare professionals didn't have time to trade shares while many receive little support for their hard work although most people would find it normal when the private sector would pay employees extras for hard work and overtime. In my opinion, when disasters strike than trade on stock exchanges should be halted, just as is done when companies intend to announce something unexpectedly that may affect their shares.
People also understand that countries' deficit that grew during the financial and Covid-19 crisis need to be repaid and thus either the wealthy pay their taxes correctly (and the very rich something extra on top) so governments have money to keep the economy going or ordinary people will have to pay by making the state smaller (or more flexible) and accept a decrease in benefits and wages. Also companies will ask wages go down. Afterwards they will complain people spend less.
The virus also seem to affect disproportionately BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) people. This may be due to genetic factors but many think this is also the result of lower living standards due to working in worse work conditions and lower wages so they have more health issues because of worse housing and lower education so they have less information about healthy food but also less money to spend on it. The result is more obesity, heart problems and diabetics, main risk factors to become seriously ill from the virus. Add to this a lockdown and thus restrictions in movement and work and declining income for people who have already little to no savings or even debts. This also applies to white people on lower income and thus BAME and white people in similar conditions need to be compared to expect a genetic link or not.
And thus people protest against an elitist disease whereby those on better paid jobs can continue to work, now from home and thus for many on better work conditions. Compare with those with badly paid jobs who either can't work or continue in more dangerous conditions such as in care homes and hospitals or abattoirs, making life even worse while the elite calls them stupid when they are more likely to become ill. No understanding and thus even more anger that need to explode one day or another as people start to protest.
And yes, this crisis may be the start of a last return of religions whereby already anti-science protesters claim that God will protect them from the virus but only when they sincerely belief in Him (while God warned that fools will not receive special protection). They scream about the right not to wear a mask that should protect not only themselves but also other people. For this they claim they can refer to have a "feeling about God" and religious prophesies and certainly when more may go wrong such as a climate change crisis that is too overwhelming for humans to understand so they may only become worse; similar for other religions while powerful may try to use this to continue their power base. Look to Russia, atheistic since decades but now including anti-LGBT laws and the existence of God in their constitution so president Putin can be sure to have support from the powerful Russian Church. Also President Trump was holding a Bible when he promised law and order enforcement against anti-racism protesters. Still, how wrong they may be. See more below. But yes, Covid-19 shows changes to our society are needed such as redistribution of work to lower the workload and provide work to those who lose their job but already we notice a return to "business as usual" such as more traffic.
International solidarity is needed to help countries that are severely hit with the virus so they don't need to reopen their economy too early while this also prevent that their recovery afterwards will be too difficult.
Climate change and religion
Certain industries are no longer accepted as such. Over the past decades, car manufacturers were ordered to produce cleaner cars as we experienced directly how gases from dirty cars hurt our lungs and people even got headaches. Also heating system were forced to be more energy efficient while big polluting industries where forced to become cleaner although some moved production to countries with less strict laws. This was also enforced as we saw that acid rain killed forests, hurt animal life and even eroded buildings that survived centuries so scientists started to study the consequences of human behaviour on the climate and environment.
Now the finger is directly pointed to fossil fuel companies. Indeed, people start to experience directly the consequences of climate change, something fossil fuel companies knew about decades ago. But, instead of diverting investment money away from fossil fuels towards cleaner energy forms, they continued to search for new fossil fuel fields (today in the Arctic as they understand the ice is melting, making the exploitation cheaper) while they paid millions towards advertisements to deny independent research that showed climate change is real with its terrible consequences if we don't act now. Even children started to protest to demand more investments in cleaner energy forms but its leading figure Greta Thunberg had to endorse much insults from mainly adult men as they can't accept an underage woman tells them what to do. Indeed, climate change will not kill everything on this planet but serious disturbances due to flooding, fires and heat will happen and thus we need to show solidarity when in certain regions food is destroyed so migration will be smaller.
As we notice that the world starts to burn and land floods, society starts to act against the climate change terrorists. Or, how do you call people who deny they know that not changing direction will result in terrible consequences? One of the industries arguments against climate change is that the fossil fuel industry creates many jobs, something that is untrue as the industry rationalised to increase profits so few petrol stations are still manned and even delivery of oil to warm houses is something of the past as now gas is transported via pipes. But, workers will continue to build future cars but they will be clean. Thus, the argument that fossil fuel companies are major employers is less valid while the clean energy sector still needs people.
Here too religion is involved as many websites inform that God and thus not humans will be responsible for coming terrible weather. They claim God will punish because people no longer accept racism and sexism. Thus, many who are considered to be climate change deniers don't claim climate change will not happen but they claim nothing can be done to prevent it because it's God's will. Indeed, when e.g. forest fires will occur they may be out of our control but because we didn't act sufficiently and thus the inevitable as predicted by scientists and prophesied by God will happen so powerful religious fanatics will use this as proof a God exist in the hope it will give them more influence. Linked to these fanatics are politicians who hold Holy Books to show how righteous they are but deny it's our making and continue their support for fossil fuel companies.
What is needed to tackle the current and future climate change is international solidarity so everyone will benefit although the strongest economies will carry most of the costs as they too benefit from a stable planet.
Reality and consequences that results in changes in our societies. Looks almost as a shorter version of the "Protocols" (see below). |
Racism and end of white (male) supremacy
About racism I wrote before extensively. Here I will mainly focus on white, mainly male, supremacy.
A fourth point is that white supremacy is coming to an end. Indeed, worldwide countries are rising that demand a place on the world stage as should be normal. This includes many non-white countries such as Brazil (although now with a white president), South-Africa and others while smaller countries accept they have less influence but they too no longer want other countries interfere in their business. Many white people consider this as a defeat. Indeed, powerful white people lose influence, certainly European countries that become minor states although remain giants because of the wealth they stole from their colonies when we also close our eyes for their deficits although citizens can still spend.
On the other hand although this is less acknowledged by many, white (and other) people in developed countries who lost their jobs due to "the global economy" as companies moved from the expensive Western to cheaper developing countries, should be happy that those developing countries develop because now there too people start to demand higher wages to live a more comfortable life so jobs oversee become too expensive to produce products AND transport them to the other side of the world so companies are starting to consider to move back so they save on transport costs. And as Covid-19 showed, only production in faraway countries can have major consequences during a (health) crisis so companies need to be located worldwide that also result in jobs worldwide and thus less migration.
In addition, those more developed countries such as China are now starting to invest elsewhere as they have a huge surplus on their budget but also to reduce transport costs with the result they have a positive image elsewhere when they too create jobs.
Thus, not only because other countries become more important, but also because it should be normal that every country is heard. Further, it is not normal that certain countries having veto rights at international organisations such as the U.N. although of course some countries are more important than others due to their population and contributions and this should be taken into account. And while every country needs to be heard, we don't need to agree with countries that oppress people because democracy is the highest political form and should be defended.
But, white supremacists don't like it that people vote for the best person but instead want white wins, the reason why President Obama's presidency was difficult. On the other hand, poor(er) white and/or people doing manual labour (but this applies of all skin colours) are often neglected and are easily labelled racists, homophobic, stupid while many are angry they are ignored and have to watch powerless how companies employ cheaper migrants or close companies and move them to developing countries because workers here are considered overpaid while they don't want to work for even less money so the rich can become even richer. Thus, one reason why people in poorer areas voted for Mr Trump is because he said that e.g. cars sold on the American markets should be produced in America while e.g. Mrs Clinton spoke privately to bankers that they should be able to reform the financial sector. Now and as a result of the coronavirus crisis, while certain bosses continue to pay themselves well, they demand people work for lower wages that many will not like, even when they are still well paid compared with developing countries, because their historic costs (such as a mortgage) still need to be repaid so more people may become more conservative, i.e. turn towards their own community they know, including religion if they offer support. Others however demand changes to the system as they understand the past resulted in the current problems of angry people in an unequal world.
Thus, not all anger by white people concerns supremacy but sometimes anger that leaders forget people in certain regions exist while companies move to underdeveloped countries to make even more profits. But, this anger can indeed result in the rise of white supremacists.
Religions, anti-science and anti-future: conspiracy theories and right-wing conservatism
Add to the above decline of white leadership also the implosion of religions, together with its traditions and family reunions, certainly in the West. The reason for this decline is because religions were and still are complicit in the oppression of people and free thinking because religious leaders and the politicians who rely on their support to gain and remain in power claim moral superiority (remember, in the past kings and popes needed each other to avoid chaos). Also in the past I wrote about this. That's why they try to reverse abortion and stop euthanasia and capitalism above all should be taught versus communism that collapsed while we should know that extremism results in collapse; indeed, the introduction of religious conservatism in the monotheistic religions as described in many conspiracy theories is real.
Still, a nuance: many people became priests and nuns (or whatever their title in other religions) because they really wanted to help others such as work in hospitals and schools although often to convert people to their religion and thus deny someone else's culture. In the past I think it was also a way for gays and lesbians to avoid having to marry. Today, people don't need to be religious to help others as teacher or healthcare professional while openly LGBTs go to bars. Today, the homophobia (often preached by religious leaders who are gay themselves), sexism and xenophobia of religions are reason why people leave while these are reasons why others remain within religions and radicalise when people call them mad for believing in a deity.
Indeed, a number of religious people are evil such as rapists of children and those who protect them while they create(d) fear among ordinary people so they can demand money to create very rich powerhouses (such as Scientology) where they curse among others LGBT people who are honest about themselves. One of those fears concerns so-called "End times" or "Revelation" whereby preachers refer to prophesies that mention troubled times with diseases and natural disasters due to environmental destruction (and as scientists are now predicting and warn us we should do things differently, just like prophesies do). They warn a "devil" will rise who will unite people in opposition to God's teaching to be yourself and love others as yourself (see also video under "Pandemic - SARS-CoV2 and religion" in last paragraph). And yes, many of those religious leaders embrace politicians who are against climate change actions while agree with leaders who say masks don't protect against Covid-19. Further, people who disapprove with what the religions say but remain silent within religious institutions in effect endorse what they say while people who don't want to be hypocrites leave. This is why many ordinary people leave religions as they know nice LGBT people, in contrast to what hypocrites of the religious class preached and still preach. They also disagree that women are considered to be inferior to men who they have to obey while they can't be priests. And thus we experience a serious decline in numbers of religious people whereby remaining religious people call this a sinful world in which they alone are righteous although they would do wrong to others. In places where religions remain strong, this is often because it can be the difference between staying alive and die as religious leaders enforce their religion upon others.
Now many elderly religious people from rural areas are angry that science and human rights and enjoying life in multiracial cities seem to tear them away from their children instead of also condemning the hypocrisy of religious leaders who condemn their children's friends who may be of another colour or LGBT. Of course, there are also those who use religion to distance themselves from those they dislike. Still, for many of these religious people it seems all their values became worthless.
On the other hand, Western society doesn't need to change for the worse because people have another religious backgrounds or are migrants. The hard-fought women's rights and LGBT's rights and even animal rights shouldn't be reversed to please religious extremists and their followers who will never accept society progresses to become less primitive. Already many Westerners radicalised after the 9/11 attacks in the USA and this worsened when afterwards the West experienced more attacks, often by people who were angry that other people can live the life they wish to live (in the West) instead of opposing the restrictions in their own culture, whether they live in the West or somewhere else. Indeed, it is difficult to understand people who are born in the West who claim to like the extremism of their culture far away while they never experienced how restricted some cultures are.
Still, ironically but the self destruction of (white) religious extremists grows when they start to question progress made in the West so they become similar to cultures they hate:
- Mainly black people continue to go to Christian churches, i.e. that white institution that helped to exploit them and thus white supremacists should be happy but aren't as black people become the preachers and not followers of white priests;
- Modern healthcare is great, mainly created by white society in modern times and it spreads around the world while the growing anti-science movement is destroying this legacy as they try to scare people away from science to embrace "a believe" although I acknowledge that up to today there is no proof a deity doesn't exist.
These two forces oppose progress: in Africa as in American but even in Asia and Europe, certain preachers speak against science, healthcare and human rights for everyone and that "believe in a God" alone is sufficient to be happy while people are encouraged to donate money and thus enrich these preachers. This is the main reason why white and increasingly other educated people start to oppose religions as they see we don't need a return of Jesus to heal as humans are now healing while religions destroy.
And thus for many in the West, white religious supremacy has become about supporting the wrong institutions and trying to convince people from other cultures to follow, therefore, as religious books describe, the collapse of these old institutions that may even take down others. Indeed, white supremacists and their religions understand they are nearing their end and try to avoid this by saying a God predicted our time - the number of websites and (tele)evangelicals referring to end times when diseases and other disasters such as climate change and (religious) violence will affect this planet is numerous. This is true for many religions because in many places people start to oppose religions as their leaders try to continue to control the people while those leaders and their followers often do the opposite they teach and become increasingly irrational and oppressive - and this may become even worse when disasters such as diseases and climate change that seem to be prophesied hit hard. Indeed, President Trump was holding the Bible in front of a church to show the old institutions that he defends them while protesters against police violence were chased away. Similar how President Putin uses religion so religious leaders justify his rule, even when that means it becomes more oppressive for some people. And yes, more poverty and troubles may direct people towards their own group for protection.
But, it's unbelievable how selective those Holy books are read by those who make a living from them. An example is Adam and Eve who, after they eat fruit from the forbidden tree that gave knowledge over good and bad, they lost their innocence and noticed they were naked (Gen. 3, 1-13). Thus, before eating the apple we were naked and innocent while afterwards we dressed. Compare with religious leaders and followers who cannot stop talking that we shouldn't be naked to avoid we're tempted and thus they prevent us to regain our status from the time before we lost our innocence - indeed, at nude beaches people look of course but they can also relax. Should religious leaders not read, think and interpret the text differently than previous generations when it seems they were wrong? Religious books mention that the world will know God's existence via the actions of evil people who will try to prove their right; further, TV and internet can now broadcast everything and repeat it. So, why not think differently from the past centuries? But, similar with religious people, also nonreligious people can be good or bad.
Often religious people not only refer to officially recognised Holy Books in which prophets speak about events in the future, some also mention the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" that is in effect a continuation as it also refers to the Temple. Although many say this is a hoax and yes, for me Zion doesn't only refer to Jews but to anyone who speaks of "me superior - the others inferior", i.e. it is written by and for evil people. The "Protocols" mention first how powerful people give (good wages) so people are happy but then they take away (such as during a financial crisis) so people loose and become angry so they start to oppose people who are different; those evil people also want to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem from where they want to rule the world. Indeed, many American and so-called pro-Israel organisations only support Israel for their own agenda as can be read on the internet. In short, Israel needs to be reunited as in the days of king David before the Temple can be rebuilt after which Jews can choose to either convert and worship the image of "the devil" or be killed. In addition, press and science are under attack while some of those of the old powers want a revival of religion. Unfortunately but they may have done so much evil to reach world dominance that prophesies (if true) describe how they may meet their end in that region. Also terrorist group ISIS refers to a final apocalyptic fight against the West somewhere in the Middle East; indeed, they too know their prophecies although books mention this is only after the rebuilding of the Temple.
Many of the politics that are happening can only be understood when you accept some people want that prophesies become real, one of the reasons many religious people deny climate change as they say God wants it to happen and therefore it must happen. Jews must unite Israel so the Temple can be rebuild, explaining PM Netanyahu and extremist Jews their religious right policies in Israel. Muslims will oppose this as indeed their beautiful mosque Dome on the Rock may be destroyed and thus Jews and Christians must stop them and finally, when the Temple is rebuilt, Jews as a minority will have to become Christian before Jesus will return while extremist Jews will never accept a non-Jew is boss in Jerusalem unless this person save them from total annihilation. Not a joke, powerful people in the different religions believe this and act like this and the rest responds to their actions. Not possible to stop, the engine is too powerful until the right place and time with the right words; at least, if all happens according prophesies. And thus, those powerful white people want to prevent that black people unless a few can belong to the chosen people. Each monotheistic religion will be involved and the rest of the world watches in unbelief whereby religious people continue to fight each other to be recognised by the One they are hoping for while increasing numbers of people will lose any faith in religions and become angry and drive religious people together before their Temple after which normality returns; at least, if prophesies are right.
However, society is already changing with digital money and cars that are traceable and social media that will have to obey rules so committing crimes become more difficult. Do you recognise how these societies are starting to emerge? Much later in a final stage, bad people whose ancestors didn't bother to stand before the Temple and thus weren't defeated although in the new world they have difficulties to cheat until they grow again in numbers and try to take control over the systems that prevented them from doing criminal acts; then Artificial Intelligent (AI, also called God) may be sufficient intelligent to fool the criminals towards their final destruction; at least when AI understands that to rule it must serve, i.e. people want to use it as it makes life easier such as directions how to drive to reach a location, help with science and healthcare, stop criminals.
This part about religion seems incomprehensible as any logic stops such as the idea that believing in God instead of wearing a mask can stop a virus. But, when one religion attacks another or migrants arrive than it's normal that people talk about defending their way of life such as equal women and LGBT rights. But, it's about more for some, i.e. it's the fall of white supremacists religion that conquered the world and thus its defense in the extreme as the Norwegian Breivik showed who didn't mind killing 77 young people, whatever their skin colour because they discussed how to improve a multicultural society. Still, it's not only white people's religion but any as religious fundamentalists' anger destroys their religions while radicalise other people such as in China. Even when people don't believe in a higher power, they have to take this into account when they want to understand why they are anti-vaccination, anti-climate change and other anti's because for some it's not about money (denial of climate change by fossil fuel companies is about continuing to gain money) but they want that the worse happens to proof they are right that a God exists who warned this will happen when we refuse to change, whether religious or not. And indeed humans continue, whatever the evidence. Therefore, religious people should set an example that other people want to follow but often they are the worst so they bring doom upon themselves and others. Thus, instead of ridicule them we should try to convince them to do better and be an example to the rest. Not an easy task.
Many people start to believe conspiracy theories, QAnon is only one of them (and President Trump is a master in spreading the word). But, not all are conspiracy when you see that what is written is real politics such as in Israel but also in the USA with right-wing denying or minimising the existence of a virus and climate change or directing blame away from the source.
Also the EU is part of right-wing conspiracy theories, i.e. that it will become the evil empire they need to oppose. However, it refuses much migrant protection and allows open internal borders so the economy can continue but in the end, and certainly when the USA has to resolve its own internal demons and thus can't lead, it may have to act such as against Syria to stop the Syrian migrants. In the end, the EU may do what right-wingers would do and thus become the evil empire although Germany may be different.
Another strategy to reach they goal is to discredit journalists and scientists such as claiming a mask doesn't protect against the virus but is to control us. But, when politicians inform the public to wear a mask that is intended to protect ourselves and others, and as certain people refuse while the virus continues to cause havoc, politicians have to introduce stricter rules. The result is a fulfilling prophesy that people fear, i.e. more controlling governments. Many people also fear a quickly developed vaccine they may oppose to use. And yes, certain politicians communicate, willingly or not, very badly so the public is confused (or can claim to be). The result is what right-wing websites wrote about years ago: the introduction of apps to trace our movements. One step further are microchips as we do already with dogs. And the ongoing racial protests may accelerate what right-wingers predict, certainly when right-wing politicians may be in power and want to stop the protests and know who took part. But equal when a politician is in power who is fed up people continue to refuse to obey to rules to stop a virus that kills.
And sometimes information is labelled a conspiracy theory such as banks direct money from wealthy people to fiscal paradise so the practice is not taken serious and can continue until a network of journalists proof the theory is real And we discover that sex indeed seems to be involved in network formation and agreeing of deals, just as in the film.
Indeed, not easy today to be a normal politician or healthcare professional/scientist (some already have to defend themselves against lawyers) when people start to believe conspiracies that seem to become reality. Just as mentioned in the Bible. Thus, being open is important to take away suspicions, to start with the promotion of websites and preferably apps so people know where to search. But, climate change van also end divisions.
NOTE: These are my comments, you do not have to agree with them.