(11m) Prince Harry and Meghan Markle versus the tabloids

What was to be expected that may happen one day: a war against the tabloids by Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle . Indeed, Prince Harry never forgot how the media was responsible for the dead of his mother and thus now he wants to protect his wife and child against the gossip media, certainly because part of the media is considered as hostile towards his dark-skinned wife who decided to have a break away from the media during her pregnancy as is her right to do. He's not the only person who is fed up with the intrusion of privacy by part of the media , a media that has been warned since years they are overstepping lines. And thus, as phone hacking is illegal without a court order, I think they should be able to win that part if they can proof part of the media hacked them. Of course, it will not make them popular with the media. However, after reading this article whereby I understand her father went to the media with the letter she wrote, it seems to suggest the real ...