(14i) Berlin protest

Unfortunately. In 2011 violent clashes in London and then Brexit in which the poor voiced they anger against a capital that only wants to have fun but doesn't bother to look after people in the rest of the country and even closes its eyes for the poor in the capital and thus frustrating many.

Then Paris and other cities in France where yellow vests protest against the growing inequality where the have-all really have so much they can single-handedly pay the restoration of a nearly burned down cathedral.

And now protests in Berlin when people protest against shops where hamburgers cost 8€ while cheaper shops close down. And Aldi may ethically not be too bad as it sell products cheap so the difference between cheap production and sale-able products will be smaller compared with many with larger margin so poorer but also ordinary people can buy food.

Everywhere when ordinary people clean-up an area, more wealthy people start to move in because many things are going on. The result: the area becomes too expensive for those who improved the place while the wealthier start to complain about the noise and thus festivities and local markets have to move to other parts. Finally, the wealthier find the place becomes boring and they move on, leaving an empty place without a soul. That's why Berliners protest, to keep the region a fun place to live.

Gentrification should improve cities for everyone and it should be inclusive whereby a mix of wealthier persons move into a region that seems promising as it's a dynamic place in which many things happen because interesting personalities such as musicians, artists, painters, youngsters and others move into a cheaper area where they use their imagination to improve the area. Thus, the original inhabitants, interesting personalities and wealthier people should mix to create a beautiful place for everyone with a mix of good shops, vibrant day and night scene and quieter places such as parks to relax. And thus, this includes cheaper and more expensive shops, bars and restaurants so a kind of rebellions atmosphere remains instead of a place where little happens. To stay with the Berlin example, why does an Aldi have to move away when an area improves and thus with it the original less fortunate inhabitants? A mix means everyone feels inclusive. Thus, an Aldi can exist next to more exclusive places.


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