(17k) Parents of underage mass murderer are sentenced to jail
I have long not written any post about the gun culture and violence in the USA (see my earlier posts 17), although the killings such as in schools, markets and religious buildings continued. Indeed, when a society continues to defend free gun laws while people die from guns, justice will become stricter to prevent more deaths.
Still, I understand that, as long as a large section of society even threatens with violence when gun laws may become stricter such as exclude people with mental problems, when they become aggressive even when there are only discussions about removing the right to carry semi-automated weapons, than other people need guns to defend themselves against those who may use gun violence when they feel their rights are limited, even when such restrictions will reduce the many deaths during mass killings.
And now, as could be predicted in a society where stricter gun laws are opposed by those who claim they have the democratic right to carry, even use their guns, parents of a boy who received a gun for this birthday although he seemed unstable, those parents are now sentenced to jail because their son killed children at his school. Indeed, those in favour of guns rarely recognise someone as unstable and thus not suitable to have a gun.
No-one wants to be the parent of a child who commits mass murder such as in a school shooting. Now parents of such a child will be imprisoned for 10 to 15 years. Whether they are partly responsible for their child's actions was to be determined by the Court, and the answer was yes.
Still, should the justice system also not target politicians who continue to claim liberty means the right to have guns, guns that of course can be used as anyone can become angry, or can become mad. Many people express at one point or another in their live "they could kill this or that person", but most people calm down as there is no gun for immediate use. In the USA anger can kill as there are more weapons than people.
Therefore, are parents who live in a gun-loving society responsible, or does such a society need to accept weapons can be used when they are promoted and available? What about the weapon lobby that indoctrinates society that weapons are needed to defend liberty and democracy, as if only countries with relaxed gun laws can be democratic? Should judges not also sentence politicians who oppose stricter gun laws? But, even many judges believe free weaponry equals defense of democracy. And thus we can expect that in future more parents and security guards will be sentenced for failing to prevent the use of weapons, and thus prevent mass murders such as in schools and markets, because guns are massively available in society. So predictable.
Still, I believe it is not for judges to block weapons in society when a majority of people vote for politicians who defend weak gun laws; in such a society, it is for police to try to prevent possible gun killings while for judges to jail those who intended or committed gun crimes.
Nothing changed, unless maybe a powerful weapon lover, or his/her family or friends may be hurt in gun violence and decide there are too many weapons, and enforces stricter guns laws.