(12ah) Climate change - It seems increasingly inevitable
Friday, June 17, 2022. A number of the Guardian articles about the state of our planet, not only about climate change but also about people who kill other humans who only want to report on the state of our planet so we understand the destruction. I published the articles on my Facebook in June 2022 while added more recent articles in this post. This bring us to the conclusion that activism as usual such as meeting important people is no longer sufficient. But, what is the best way forward as any actions such as those by Extinction Rebellion (ER) are condemned by many people while a war by Russia draws even more money to fossil fuel and more general to energy companies?
Two men murdered
There is a war on nature that took the lives of two men in Brazil: Dom Phillips, a journalist who travelled together with indigenous Bruno Pereira to show the destruction of the rainforest whereby plants, animals and even humans who live in the forests and depend on it, are killed.Mr Phillips wanted to write a book about his experiences in Brazil during the past year; his journey was close to completion. Now many parts of the world know the end of his and that of Mr Pereira's story, a story they cannot write themselves, as their murder highlighted further the violence used in order to be able to destroy for money. Let us hope he already wrote or recorded previous chapters of his book so that we know about their earlier travels during that year. Still, also in the past people were murdered who didn't destroy but only lived in harmony with nature while others died because they defended our planet, so the destruction only became bigger.
A river almost without water
Not only in Brazil and in California, USA, droughts result in less water in rivers and lakes, also in Europe such as the Po River, water levels became too low for boats and to use the water for plants. The reason? Little rain during spring and summer but also too little snow during winter so less meltwater during spring and summer to feed the water level of the Po River; similar for many other rivers worldwide. Add higher than normal temperatures so glaciers melt faster while they don't recover during winter, but also warmer water evaporates faster from rivers and lakes, and thus water levels in lakes and rivers go down.
Similar on 17/08/2022 for the Rhine river where water levels prevented boats to float, and thus reduced economic activities. Indeed, climate change costs, even without destructions. As a note, the above link to the Rhine river goes to the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission website where more images of our planet from space can be found.
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Venice in February. Although it may not be obvious for visitors, water levels in Venice's canals were at summer level as the dark area on the houses in the picture shows what the water level should be in winter. The reason is that insufficient amounts of water and snow fell in winter so the rivers that feed the canals couldn't filled up the low levels of the canals. And thus an even dryer summer can be expected with further low levels of water. Prophesies predict extreme droughts that will even dry rivers such as the Tigris and Euphrates (see Bible), with all troubles it may cause. |
An angry UN Secretary-General
UN Secretary-General Guterres was furious on June 17, 2022 because the fossil fuel industry and its supporters, amongst them banks, are making huge profits since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Governments reverse to old fossil fuel sources for their fossil fuel dependency although they also try to find new energy sources in the hope it will reduce the cost of living for people and companies. (Quite similar as during the banking crisis when governments made debts to save the financial system and afterwards had to repay banks plus interest what they gave to save this system so government debts rose further.) And thus, climate change is unlikely to stop at 1.5°C. So these industries make huge profits before their business model may collapse under the cost of climate change, and the resulting anger of people. But, not yet.
The UN Secretary-General repeated his warnings in another angry speech on 20/09/2022 because of the slow pace of actions, sometimes even reversal of necessary measures to halt climate change, and more broadly the decline of the environment. Indeed, climate change seems almost off the agenda as countries like Germany now start to reuse coal to produce energy, followed by other countries. Thus, Western countries should stop lecturing developing countries what can and cannot as they themselves give bad examples in difficult times. At the same time, disasters such as in Pakistan with its disastrous flooding and as a result spread of diseases, or dry rivers in Europe, Asia and America (see higher) and as a consequence huge wildfires should remind us we need to act, and fast. Some countries want to contribute more money to tackle climate change and destruction of biodiversity; still, what is money worth when those same countries continue to contribute to climate change? And thus it is unlikely that climate change temperature rise is limited to 1.5°C as a recent UN report warns.
As we experience increasingly climate change, and this at a huge cost, many continue to repeat that we need urgently to change direction away from fossil fuels; sadly but they experience great opposition and bullying, including death threats. An example is the UK where Labour opposition politician Ed Miliband speaks about investments in already cheaper clean energy and away from fossil fuels (so-called anti-OPEC), while the current Tory politicians who are in power have a more bumpy course with more interest in exploiting any gas field possible, including by fracking (= forcing gas out of soil), and promises for more renewable energy but the reality shows that many licences for green energy are refused. An example from 24/03/2023 of an unhealthy relationship between Tories and the fossil fuel industry whereby the Tories seem to be in support of the fossil fuel industry, and not so much for renewables. Who followed UK policies will not be surprised. And it may cost British taxpayers lots of money while it concerns an island that may be in the path of a future serious storm. We'll see what the future may bring.
Another way of climate and environment activism is needed. How is the question
When even UN Secretary-General António Guterres becomes angry towards the fossil fuel and banking industries, than we know it really is serious and we may need another activism.
Indeed, 2019 was the height of climate, and more general environmental protests because people, and certainly younger people, experience that things must change because the effects of climate change are not happening in a faraway future but already now, even when those who are mainly responsible, the generation of the 1970s till 1990s are still alive. It was a generation that stopped to re-use things but instead threw away. An example are the packaging of eggs that were refilled in the past but today we buy eggs in new packaging. It is also a mystery why plastic packaging for mushrooms cannot be brought back to shops so producers can refill them. A possibility is to charge a recycling cost for the packaging so people don't want to pay each time they buy the product but instead bring them back. On the other hand, severe penalties for throwing away packaging is also a way of changing people's bad habits. Indeed, rewards shouldn't come for bad behaviour.
Then came the Covid-19 crisis in 2020 and the focus went away from climate change towards the prevention of a virus that killed or caused long-term health issues for certain people. During this time demonstrations were not allowed, although opponents of the Covid-19 measures sometimes protested, often the same as those who deny climate change. Still, a cartoon of a man nearly eaten by a small shark (Covid-19) that is nearly eaten by a larger shark (possible upcoming economic crisis) that is nearly eaten by an even larger shark (climate change) expresses very well that people didn't forget climate change and the effects it will have on humanity and the planet.
Now since February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Quote from first article of this section about need for other actions:
“At the beginning of the war, lots of people thought, ‘Well, now it’s all on the table. We will ramp up for renewables. We will ramp up fossil-free energy, because it’s clear that to like renewables you don’t have to be a climate activist or eco-nerd. It’s enough to kind of mildly dislike Putin and mildly like democracies and freedom and safety.’” But, "... now we’re seeing almost a fossil fuel backlash in places like Germany. The fossil expansion [is] really happening. There’s new drilling happening in the North Sea coast.”
Indeed, in addition to Russia that divert its export of oil and gas to other countries, Western countries such as the USA and Germany start to exploit (more) of their own fossil fuels, partly to counter the reduction of fossil fuels coming from Russia but probably also to gain from the high fossil fuel and other energy prices that are the result of less Russian gas and oil to Europe. And why can the fossil fuel industry continue? Quote from same first article: "... the system is performing exactly how the system was designed to perform. It was to benefit a handful of people at the top: give the people at the middle a little bit more so that they will feel that they have a vested interest to defend that system".
Still, there are politicians and other leaders who continue to tell the message that we need a new system whereby more investments in renewables are needed, including new generation of batteries such as hydrogen batteries, plus connections between clean production units throughout larger regions to increase the likelihood to have energy all the time when energy production is low in one area, and this to provide energy to increasingly energy efficient products. But, backup systems are also needed such as energy from burning biological and waste products when production of energy by renewables are low, while energy from burning gas should be the last resort. Nevertheless, fossil fuels are the old energy that can still be used by certain industries that need lots of energy.
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Solar panels. They can be placed on roofs or poles, but can also be used as a kind of blinds to obscure curious people from looking in a house as the upper right picture shows. |
Although shaking hands with important people was important to spread the message that climate, and more widely environmental actions are needed, unfortunately but after each election, somewhere someone is elected who continues to believe that the old energy sector needs to be seen as the way forward, and who supports the destruction of nature for economic gains. Thus, it is not that no progress happened, but certain leaders love dirty industries, as if only investments in such industries show that a country progresses. I include nuclear energy with dirty industries as we need to get the uranium but also store the radioactive waste products, and one day, dismantle the building at a high cost.
For me, progress means using clean energies as only now we have sufficient scientific knowledge to develop and improve them, that includes production of clean energy but also more energy efficient equipment. And yes, people in developing countries also want to live in modern houses with access to Internet and the use of modern equipment that makes life easier while they also want to travel the world. Therefore, in the developed West, societies need to moderate such as buying smaller and cleaner cars and living in smaller houses, something that is possible when we use modern technologies so we don't need a large room to store books and LPs/CDs. Modern design of furniture helps to save space. And when people live in cities, they don't need much cooling space as they can buy fresh food from local shops. People also have fewer children, therefore need fewer bedrooms. Thus, smaller houses and flats are possible. This way, and with better insulation, a much reduced output by Western countries versus a moderate increase by developing countries is possible, on condition the latter also use modern equipment that use less energy. Solidarity is important to achieve a reduction in fossil fuels. At the latest Cop27, a deal was reached that developed countries will help developing countries when they have climate damage. And yes, individual countries need to take the lead when other countries refuse faster progress so show it is possible.
To change, we all need to show politicians and companies we want the change. "We" means youngsters but also the elderly, and companies. But, many old powers want to keep what we have, the reason why societies end up in a mess. The revelations in the Bible predicted it perfectly: God warned us for disasters but, as humans don't want to listen, now scientists warn us and inform what to do to avoid disasters. But, even when we see what is happening, many refuse to change their way of life (Rev. 10,20-21), certainly those who preach against change but instead blame other religious groups and non-religious people, abortion, contraceptives, LGBTQ+, women and non-white people, they blame even God. They blame everyone, except themselves so they can continue, unchanged. While the change accelerate as oceans never warmed as fast as today, with its possible consequences such as defeat of old powers who blame everyone except themselves. Further, instead of blaming people who want always more and consume much, many people blame those who have little such as refugees and those without work whose carbon footprint is minor compared with those who have too much, so they are told to reduce their carbon output.
Remember the angry speech by Greta Thunberg when she said "You all come to us young people for hope. How dare you?". Her speech shows she understand the science, and thus the urgency. Still, even I thought she exaggerated. Until I read this recent article about the huge expansion by 24.000 km of pipelines to transport oil while, as mentioned higher, certain politicians say we need all the oil and gas possible. Yes, societies are addicted to fossil fuels whereby we are willing to accept climate change, a change that results increasingly in woodlands and forests but even towns that burn down during hot dry periods, even in winter, like hell on Earth. Yet, we continue investments while mechanisms are found to discourage investments in clean energies such as refuse solar panel permits while big companies continue to influence the public so they can earn now more from fossil fuels than ever before. And don't forget Cop27 in Egypt, three years after that famous speech of Mrs Thunberg, whereby the climate conference is mainly a prestigious meeting to bring together world leaders while activists are arrested.
But, not only in Egypt climate activists are arrested. Indeed, in the UK climate activists face six months in jail before a judge will sentence them in order to discourage more protests while the government thinks about introducing stricter laws, and this is supported by opposition party Labour, instead of going in discussion with the protesters to find solutions. Also pressure from outside government to arrest climate activists is growing.
Still, climate (and by extension environmental) protests continue as increasingly (and certainly younger) people notice it will affect their future, including more powerful hurricanes that included Ian that caused destruction in Cuba and Florida and moved further northwards to cost billions of dollars in reparations. But, it also destroyed food and poisoned water with huge consequences such as higher prices. The war in Ukraine shows how disaster in one place can affect food supply, and thus the difference between life and death, on a global scale. As UN Secretary-General Guterres summarised the situation at the Cop27 meeting, without faster actions the world is on its "highway to climate hell".
I really believe, based on science and recent experience, that urgent actions are needed to limit climate change and stop the environmental destruction. A new UN report was published ahead of Cop27 that fears for a warning of over 2°C. And thus we should fear enough so we act. As younger people become desperate, some climate activists throw soup or glue themselves to artwork (or at the glass that protects the works). I cannot agree with this, and I guess neither can many others as this may even be used as an argument to label climate change activists as terrorists, that justify stronger punishments. Indeed, as mentioned higher, harsher laws are already made to stop protests. But these protesters understand this as they say that only the dead penalty will stop their protests. Societies never changed without protests. Of course, when we don't act, climate change may destroy, including art, as we have seen happening throughout history in many places. Still, that is nature that destroys.
Fortunately, our planet Earth, as any living organism, has a buffer system that prevents it from moving too far from the ideal conditions, or life would not have been able to last those many hundreds of million of years. Indeed, while humans severely pollute the oceans, ice is melting on mountains and the poles so it refreshes seas and oceans. But, humans damage the planet at such a speed that a slow adjustment is unlikely and thus we can expect, like scientists and revelations inform, a possible terrible transition as we start to experience. Still, let us hope that prophecies are right when they inform that afterwards we have another one thousand years before Earth may become inhabitable; by then we may be able to escape to other worlds. Or, humans will be replaced by robots (Artificial Intelligence) who can survive in a for plants, animals and humans uninhabitable environment, just as our planet became uninhabitable for dinosaurs, and other periods for other lifeforms. Or Artificial Intelligence may be able to restore a destroyed planet with new water, air and soil while AI will penalise people who continue to pollute and destroy as science will have solutions to create clean energy. Don't forget, AI will be able to know nearly everything with eyes and ears on nearly any equipment.
How to have a new activism? As oppression increases against climate and environmental activists (many Covid19 and climate change deniers predict a time of troubles), this is a difficult question to answer. And indeed, I am also against vandalism, ideal to introduce strict laws that limit our freedoms, although stricter laws are often supported by deniers while it draws attention towards the wrong message of vandalism and not the climate and environmental crises. I am more in favour of climate and environmental activists who join positive forces such as London Marathon to bring the message that we need to live more in moderation. Or they bring their message via performances that entertain. Still, maybe reality has become inevitable so it will show we should have acted more urgently? Also in the past empires fell because of climate change while in future humans may act according scientific knowledge but also because they love life and our planet. And thus people will respect our planet, except those who love only money.