How to ridicule a president is counterproductive compared to giving advice on how to do it

President Trump gave a very short press briefing after his disastrous briefing the day before when he suggested that people should inhale or inject disinfectant to cure from the coronavirus, a comment that will remain with him even in history.

It's sad for any politician what is currently happening with the coronavirus, certainly when the economy was good and unemployment at a record low. Still, one thing politicians should know: don't hold daily briefings about a serious issue and certainly not to a hostile media as serious mistakes are likely to be made. But, the president should know after 3 years in office that, before tweeting or speaking, you first check with advisors so you don't need to contradict earlier tweets or speeches as that looks amateurish. Ordinary people can make mistakes as they don't have advisors who can correct them before publication.

Yes, people may celebrate this may be the end of President Trump (unless events may decide differently) but they should realise the economy needs to restart while the coronavirus is still in the world. Not an easy task I fear, certainly not when the USA but increasingly the rest of the world is becoming more divided than ever about more lockdown or restart of the economy.

Let's hope the president will not become deaf to advice during his remaining time in office as I'm sure he did his best to, ánd stop the spread of the virus, ánd minimise harm to the economy because he wants to be remembered as the greatest American president ever.

The making of Darth Vader

It reminiscences a little Star Wars and the boy who becomes Darth Vader. The boy is very good in almost everything he does, still, he always has to wait because people say he's not ready yet. And then, one day he gives up trying when a bad person says he believes in him and the boy decides to join the wrong side. Of course, he joined that side because he had the potential to become evil.

Before and after becoming Darth Vader (see reference for photo)

It is as certain not very clever students, they can be disruptive but sometimes, whatever the reason, they can be interested in a certain subject. That's the moment teachers can ask them questions to direct them towards the right answers so they feel proud to have given the correct answer and may not forget it afterwards although, at the last moment they may decide to give the wrong answer as that's more fun they think. The first can become successful while the latter rarely will.

President Trump

President Trump is also someone who needs encouragement. Yes, he started his presidency with the promise to close the borders between the USA and Mexico, borders already closed in many areas by other politicians. But, many people on low income jobs and yes, also racists, applauded because these migrants are prepared to work even cheaper and thus already badly paid jobs become even worse.

He also said that the production of products such as cars shouldn't move to Asia but remain in the USA to create jobs for Americans. And thus many people without jobs voted for him. But yes, someone should have told him that building clean cars will create even more jobs although he likes the fossil fuel industry as many people do. This is one reason why many wealthy don't like him: he's too much a communist although he is in favour of less government and very low taxes.

The coronavirus: he closed USA's borders but people say it is only done for racist reasons. He was condemned that he wanted to restart the economy too early and so he delayed until after the date he hoped it would be and is then criticised for not giving a date. He was told not to take decisions for the whole country and he accepted that states can decide to reopen when they consider it's the right time so he is criticised that certain states go too fast and he doesn't intervene although he agrees that certain states move too fast. He also worked with Congress on a federal stimulus plan.

On a personal note, I think such a plan is the way forward during and after the Coronavirus (and other) crises, also for Europe, i.e. a federal plan to support states while individual states can decide to reopen although the federal state and other states may disagree that a certain states decides to lift restrictions and keep their own borders closed for that state and even refuse to give aid. 
For the EU, something similar could be:
  • the EU Parliament, in collaboration with the EU Commission, should agree with a help and stimulus package;
  • Then the European Central Bank (ECB) should provide money to finance these packages and thus not act on its own;
  • EU member states can inform the EU Council (which members are the heads of state or government of the EU member states) what they need while the EU Commission that is under control of the EU Parliament, can spend money according what the EU Council informs EU members need and without the need to spend all.

This way EU institutions look to the overall picture while individual countries can concentrate on help their own citizens need although, if they wish they can help other countries such as the worst hit without the need to wait for the approval of countries that don't want to help.

But yes, the president made an error to show support for demonstrators against further lockdown as if he encouraged civil disobedience.
Also his decision to stop donations to the World Health Organisation (WHO) was wrong in a time when international solidarity is needed.
Now he made a capital error with his comment about the use of disinfectants to combat the coronavirus so companies and government agencies had to issue warnings not to inhale and inject disinfectants. His presidency may be over.

How different it could have been. President Trump should trust advisors although without blindly agreeing with everything they say. The disinfectant is an example of a mistake that shouldn't have been one. It seems someone made this suggestion to the president. Instead of asking his advisors during a press meeting whether inhaling or injecting disinfectants is a possible solution, he should have asked this before meeting the media. The advisers could have responded that disinfectants are deadly. However, scientists and doctors are using and inventing drugs that people may need to inhale so they act directly in the lungs. They're also using drugs that are injected and future vaccines may be given via an injection or maybe even inhaled as it concerns a lung disease. The president could have said at the press meeting people are working on drugs to inhale and inject, more information will be given by scientists. But yes, the past already showed he doesn't always listen well to advisors. Still, concerning the coronavirus, he kept his advisors so it seems he respects them.

Future of President Trump and the USA

Question is: how will he continue the final months before the presidential elections in November and inauguration in January 2021?
May he accept that the scientific advisers are more on the forefront and he limits himself to read a text that is prepared in advance by him and advisers?
May he do as promised and retreat the USA from the international stage?
May he stop listening to his scientific advisers and instead listen more to his hardline supporters who may demand a return of his much harsher politics that he promised during his election campaign in return for their loyalty? Of course, that wouldn't be his best decision as their advice is not always the best.
Or, may he be fed up with politics and decide not to do a second term but leave it to Mr Biden to proof he may do better? Then Mr Biden may have to deal with disappointed Trump loyalists.

But, whomever is in power, people need to accept the person and try to convince the person to do differently when they think the person makes wrong choices. This can't be achieved by making constantly a fool of the president. Until now, President Trump changed his point of view on a number of issues and that causes confusion but should be welcomed. This is different when someone like Hitler comes into power who was obviously evil before gaining power or Brazil's president who joins protests against coronavirus actions and thus against any advise of scientists and doctors and even his own government.

Because, today, throughout the world politicians are condemned for making wrong choices, either for being too slow to prevent a collapse of the economy or for being too fast as the virus is still present and can return. But, when the economy goes bad, not only people working in the private sector may have pay cuts or lose work, as governments expenditures increase while income from taxes may go down, expect less funding of many projects and thus not only people on benefits but also people working for governments and cultural and research projects may receive less government support and thus lower wages and fewer jobs. Yes, expect protests if that happens.

In the USA, if the next president is someone else, he may face even more hostile reactions as many Trump supporters will not accept that, although indeed he made a grave error, large sections of the media never accepted Trump's victory and thus now Trumpists may not accept the victory of Trump's opponent. Indeed, since the start of the coronavirus crisis sales of weapons increased. Some people fear certain services such as police and fire brigades may be overstretched by the coronavirus crisis and temporarily collapse and thus citizens may need to defend themselves. Others however fear too much government that will enforce that people must stay indoors and think they have to fight against those who will impose this to defend their liberties.

First, humans destroying planet Earth for own pleasures. Then Covid-19 kills humans but also has a major effect on the economy. Finally, climate change that may be worse than this Covid-19 with rising food prices and major effects on the economy as previous devastation already proved. Climate change doesn't need to last too long for billion dollar destruction and increase in food prices. Who is able to handle that crisis?

Does the above turn me in a Trump supporter? No as I understand that for instance his border policies are not mine although also become reality in Europe. But, I'm realistic enough to understand he is the current president who came into power because many people fear Muslims after 09/11 and other attacks or became poor due to export of their jobs to mainly Asia but also during the financial crisis and only Donald Trump seemed to be on their side. And, he's not Hitler.

Therefore, my approach is the same as that of Dr Fauci who advices President Trump as good as possible. Recently people say they start to notice a change in his behaviour that may be a result of the stress because of his constant negative portrayal or maybe old age. When people say Mr Trump is not very stable, then why are they making things worse by ridiculing him? If someone points a gun to you, very likely you will try to calm down the person instead of provoking him/her and risk things get worse. That's why I have difficulties with people who can't stop making fun of him because I don't want he becomes angry and does something bad. And not all his analysis are wrong as China's trade surplus is too big. North Korea's leader should be given a chance to disarm. The attack against Assad's army when they used chemical weapons against civilians was not strong enough I think.

We should prevent the president may retreat into himself and no longer accept advice from anyone when we continue to make him look like a fool. Less than one year and he may be gone (or not). In addition, ridicule President Trump too often may only anger his supporters so afterwards they may not accept that his opponent becomes president and refuse to do as he tells them to do such as stay at home during this coronavirus crisis. I fear both sides are moving even further apart.


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