(12x) The past weeks: Climate change, religious violence and their relationship

A summary of the period from Saturday, 21/12/2019 till Monday, 06/01/2020. It concerns huge Australian fires due to climate change and growing influence of religions and their wars. Some comments were already published on Facebook, others are modified and some are new, certainly those from the last days. Here a short summary, further down in reversed order comments to events.

Australia's PM gave a religious speech before going on holiday but was forced to return early as Australians became furious he enjoyed life while large groups of Australians suffered.

Although Europe asks other countries to invest in renewables, it continues to invest money in gas so it becomes even more dependent from Russia. Australia continues to defend its coal industry. While the change in the climate and its consequences cost society fortunes,

Everywhere there are battles not only between but also within religions.

And although certain leaders still think the future lays in the past, scientists continue to find better ways to produce clean energy but also to store this energy so it can be used when we need it such as during the night when the sun is absent and we need electricity for lights, cooking and television.

The US ambassador in Zambia criticised Zambia for imprisoning two men who loved each other while he also condemned corruption, the White House didn't seem to agree with his criticism as he was recalled.

Baba Vanga seems to have made predictions about our current and future times; interesting to see whether they will be true or not so we know whether a higher power exist.

The UN spoke about Afghanistan and its efforts to bring peace although that seem impossible.

One week later and Australia is still burning. And a short history of why Greta Thunberg became who she is today, i.e. the young climate change activist. Australian's living in the fire zone become desperate. Still, Australia's PM is not the only Australian who still thinks climate change is not man-made. Previous PM Tony Abbott told an Israeli radio station that we should continue to use coal and fossil fuels as that enriches the country while he thinks climate change scientists are the high-priests from a climate cult he refuses to accept and join.

USA's White House decided to kill the important Iranian general Suleimani who is blamed to be the mastermind behind attacks against US soldiers. It seems Europe was not informed in advance (or was the UK with its close relationship and is that the reason PM Johnson remains silent?). Indeed, President Trump never considered himself as an isolationist as he has strong opinions about what is happening in the world while he demanded others to invest more in their defenses as he may use force. And now President Trump is threatening with more actions in case Iran avenges its general. Many people are asking themselves why President Trump acted as he did.

And so we end with an article that informs us that President Trump is looking towards Christian churches for support for his policies as Baba Vanga seems to have predicted a messianic USA leader will stand up. At the same time, climate continues to interfere with our planets at all levels.

But, as events happened, I conclude with reactions from the world concerning the killing of Suleimani. Indeed, it made the world less stable. But, did it or were we heading in this direction, no matter what we did? Some people simply hate, no matter what people do such as introducing democracy and defending it from attacks.

January 01, 2020 - Analyses of President Trump's decision to kill general Suleimani

James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence has expressed doubts about the threat Suleimani may have posed to the USA. He told CNN:
Soleimani himself didn't plant IEDs. He didn't himself launch rocket attacks against American personnel or facilities. So to me it is a bit of a stretch that by doing this they thwarted an imminent attack, because attacks are carried out—typically under Soleimani—by proxies, that is Shia militias in Iraq. So that's hard to believe.
I think this is a very bizarre argument: not Suleimani but connected groups carried out attacks, therefore why kill Suleimani? Bizarre. Compare with Osama bin Laden who didn't carry out attacks but was hunted until his death because he gave advise and courage to his followers.

Everyone recognises general Suleimani was a destabilising force, not only in Iraq where peace is not possible while now it seems Iraq's Shiites unites with Iran. Should Iraqi Sunnis to which Saddam Hussein belonged fear the anger of Shia when the Americans are gone? And Russia doesn't seem to fear Iranian nuclear proliferation. Also in Syria Suleimani and Russia supported Assad, so Assad can continue to murder. If only President Obama had stopped Assad when he used chemical weapons as he said he would do but he didn't, partly because Europe didn't support him and so Russia became the master. If he had bombed Assad's army, Russia may not have become involved as the major player and thus the situation may have been completely different. Too late, we never know for sure.

But I agree that President Trump should show data, not to the general public for obvious security reasons but to a select congressional security committee to proof the assassination was justified. Indeed, it seems years ago Suleimani spoke threatening language against America and we know they are not friends. If it was not justified than both House and Senate will agree President Trump has to go.

Concerning Mr Clapper's comment
If it has to do with ... the determination of North Korea not to denuclearize—which turned out to be correct—that's intelligence we don't like,.
However, President Trump has warned North Korea to stop its nuclear program and in return relations can improve, otherwise they remain enemies. But indeed, I think it was correct to meet North Korea's leader to try to convince him, just as he asked China to convince their friend.

May President Trump soon start to consider to retract his army from the Middle East, certainly now Iraq voted that the USA army should leave although he may keep some troops in Israel for their protection. Than Europe may have to send soldiers. Than Europe may decide that threatening with the destruction of ancient sides may protect them on condition countries love their own heritage. Syria shows not all leaders do.

Germany's PM Merkel is heading to Russia to discuss the Middle East with President Putin. As Baba Vanga predicted, a Russia's leader Vladimir would be the "lord of the world". Defender of Syria's Assad and other (groups in) countries and thus an important person in that region and as a result throughout the world. Will Europe in the end side with Russia? This would mean also with Assad and others. Although President Trump talks about the necessity of good relations with Russia, he also showed he doesn't agree with all Russia's policies.

No-one wants the destruction of cultural heritage. However, this anti Trump is going too far. We now even start to say that damaging Germany's towns in the hope it would stop Hitler was wrong. But, if Hitler didn't do his evil no-one would have bombed those cities.

Similar in Iran whereby Europe condemns President Trump from threatening to destroy Iran's cultural places IF Iran attacks USA. It shows how scared everyone is. Thus, it is up to Iran to decide NOT to attack the USA but instead go to the International Criminal Court in the Hague. Then the USA doesn't need to destroy parts of Iran while those guilty can be judged.

It is UN and not USA law that Iran can't develop nuclear weapons and thus it should be the UN that stops Iran's development and not a country. The USA developed nuclear weapons to stop Nazi Germany, used it against Japan to stop it fighting but afterwards allowed Japan its emperor while after the war the USA protected Europe from Russia. Americans are fed up to be the bad guys of the world. We should be careful, President Trump mentioned a number of time he would retreat USA's army and allow other countries to fix the world. Can Europe lead in such a world without America?
The war crimes proposed by the US president would only strengthen his enemy’s clerical regime.
It is strange that people who are suppressed since decades and fear their leaders now side with those they fear because one of them has been killed. Iranians were starting to oppose their leaders because of high unemployment and increasing food prices in an increasingly unstable world. And now they may unite? 

January 05, 2020 - US President Trump hopes for support from right-leaning churches

The coming together why I combined below climate change and religion. Yes, the current US president may consider himself as the defender of Western Christian values while worldwide the effects of climate change become more visible and, according many religious people, this has been prophesied. Therefore, this may result in more chaos.

Although many religious people don't want to join what they consider a new religion, i.e. a climate cult as named by Tony Abbott, they know that disasters  are coming - read their websites - as they refer to prophesies by their own old religions so they don't need to blame themselves for the disasters and thus don't need to change their life. Instead, they say a God is angry because among others people want to live in harmony with others and therefore equal human rights are given to LGBT, women and people of colours and thus religious people say people don't live the life as God intended such as women who allegedly don't dress correctly. But, how many people want a return to the past during which many people had to live a life of lies? No, certainly in the West the past is gone and human rights and science will continue, even when there may be a temporary slowdown or even retard.

And although white supremacists but also others may consider President Trump to be a politician with messianic ambition who will try to stop the decline of old powers, they know he isn't the Messiah as they believe that person needs to descent from the sky somewhere in the Middle East as the three monotheistic religions teach and in such a way the whole world will wait (via TV) the defeat of evil. Indeed, many people today believe in human rights and the need to help others and to stop the exploitation of the planet. Those who hang on to old powers are no longer taken serious because, although religious people hope for peace lasting a thousand years, they are the people causing troubles. But, that targets of President Trump vocal attacks such as Mexicans are supporters is difficult to understand unless they try to dilute his anger towards them.

History teaches us that leaders in power who discover religion can be dangerous as often they become extreme. Indeed, an example: often these men used women and prostitutes when young but, in order to find approval and support by powerful religious groups, they agree that prostitution should be outlawed although I agree forced prostitution should. Similar on issues such as abortion. Also drugs are often taken at younger age while in public they condemn drug users.

This can explain President Trump's reactions as he listens to among others members of the Tea Party, powerful people we forgot still exist. Also President Bolsonaro of Brasil may try to find approval by religious groups for his defense of its past military rule and this can explain his hate of LGBTs. They and others also recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, something that pleases Jews and Christian right-wingers while angers Muslims so the rebuilding of the Temple can start and, for Christian extremist, Jesus can return. Also ISIS and other Muslim groups speak about an "apocalyptic battle". This battle over control over Jerusalem is the driving force behind much of the Middle East troubles.

The cost of climate change may become too high for insurance companies so they can no longer pay victims. Also food and water prices are likely to continue to rise when they become scarce so people become angry and armies may need to protect politicians and stop protests. Religious rightwingers hope that as a result of chaos that they may regain power, certainly when certain prophesies seem to be real and proof the existence of a God. They may gain power but only for a short time when people finally realise they support a very wealthy and egocentric elite that supports them while they fuel hate between people who are different.

January 05, 2020 - Australian fires still raging and other disasters

Australian fires may continue to burn for months. Australians become angry. But, what can be done? For too long people ignored the warnings of scientists and many still do because doing something cost money. Read the angry responses of many adults when children beg for actions. Also UN chief António Guterres was disappointed with the results of the Madrid climate summit and this while the Amazon, Siberia and Australia were burning.

But it's true, politicians should not go on holiday during an emergency but should be in the country. Anything else and certainly having fun by a country's leader can't be done when nature decides it's enough and burns uncontrollable.

As someone wrote following comment: it's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.

Indeed, also elsewhere climate behaves strangely such as in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia that will be vacated due to rising sea levels in favour of another city that will become Indonesia's capital. Elsewhere waters turn toxic. Still, so many continue to deny what they see, not only (previous) Australian PMs as mentioned below but also celebrities and ordinary people as if their brains are locked into denial, whatever evidence. One day they may awaken.

January 05, 2020 - Iran mourns the killing of its most senior general while President Trump warns Iran not to avenge his death.

Iran is threatening to target USA locations to revenge the killing of Iran's senior military leader Suleimani.

President Trump responds that any attack on USA grounds or people will be punished severely, even suggesting that cultural heritage may be destroyed. Some disagree with this as it can be considered as a war crime. However, from President Trump's viewpoint, Iran has the choice between choosing for its heritage and people or attack and be punished. As USA leader, he must protect his people, not think about someone else's property.

It's difficult: can Iran accept the USA kills senior people so this may be repeated by not responding? Will Iran do what it threatens (and there are many possible targets it can hit) to do so President Trump can destroy its property, including its nuclear sites? Maybe Iran should focus on its own country instead of interfering in others and destabilising the region.

The Middle East, after the removal of dictators such as in Iraq but also Libya, politicians expected civilians would celebrate just as the Germans did after the defeat of Hitler. However, WWII learned us already that people don't easily agree with the defeat of their own dictators unless the dictator turns upon his own people during defeat.

To end the violence in that region, aggression and threatening to hit "very hard" may be the only way forward that is left. The West removed a dictator in Iraq who killed millions of people in his own country and during wars with neighbors and thus both Iraqis and neighboring countries should be happy Hussein was gone. But, instead countries continue to oppose the USA and its allies by interfering and therefore maintain the instability in Iraq or elsewhere. Indeed, general Suleimani interfered in Syria to keep Assad in power - he was involved in supporting Iraqi Shia militia to bring instability to Iraq and interfered elsewhere. Each time it was in opposition to the USA as that was the enemy and often in collaboration with Russia. The general and supporters were killed away from other people instead of upon arrival so only the targeted persons and no innocent people died. Still, we should hope they died because everyone can wear a ruby ring; can we trust the informant(s) who knew days in advance the general's plan to travel to Bagdad or was it set up (yes, we should be able to trust informants)? Indeed, many people described general Sumeimani as the devil in person. The article mentions:
The impacts were as devastating as they were lethal. While Muhandis appears to have been vaporised on contact, Suleimani’s hand, covered in grey ash, was pictured dangling through a window, identifiable by the ruby ring he always wore.
So, one person vaporized (including bones?) while the main person has been recognized only by his ring? As for other terrorists leaders, are we sure they died (e.g. do we have DNA) or will they miraculously arise from death? After all, more people came back from the death. The White House claims they had information something would happen and this was a preemptive strike. Are they sure they resolve the problems?

The Middle East, a place that attracts all evil as it has many places close to God. However, they should know God doesn't mind to sacrifice his own place when that results in the defeat of evil. And, we have pictures of the past so we can rebuild them. In our time, someone would rise who would say "Stop, it's enough". Also in Europe extreme right is rising after each new terrorist attack so normal parties move to the right; America was hit very hard on 09/11/2001 and responded with the invasion in Afghanistan. Later President Bush removed Saddam Hussein from power, something his father should have done when he liberated Kuwait after Iraq invaded the country. Now President Trump wants to end this war so Americans are save to travel and so he can bring back the USA army, something his predecessor also wanted but couldn't achieve. There is always a moment the soft way ends when peace is not achievable and violence continues.

January 04, 2020 - USA kills important Iranian general

The USA kills in a drone attack Qassem Sulaimani, an important Iranian military commander. An official's response:
Jesus, do we have to explain why we do these things?
Indeed, something was to be expected after the siege of the US embassy in Iraq. The US is hated because often it defends its interests by using military power.

Still, I'm not sure why relations between Iran, previously the main part of the Persian empire, and Israel and its ally the US are so bad these days.

Have both sides forgotten that it was the Persian emperor Cyrus the Great who liberated the Jews from slavery in Babylon, allowed their return to Israel and the building of their second Temple? Things they now oppose. Maybe Iranians and Israelis should remember this so relations may improve.

Europeans (UK) complain the USA failed to inform them about the attack it was planning on a senior Iranian general. But, should we be surprised?

(1) President Trump is angry that Europe continues to embrace the nuclear deal with Iran against the advice of the US.

(2) President Trump is angry with the under-funding of the NATO by its European partners and its weak responses.

President Trump, don't forget he wants things move forward and not endless discussions. After all, he was a successful businessman and therefore one of the wealthiest man on this planet, no matter what people may think of him. And thus, if he gets information he acts so not to miss the opportunity by asking permission from others.

Many people thought President Trump would be an isolationist. I never saw him like that. It's not because he threatens to withdraw support when European countries continue to refuse to contribute more to the NATO or insists that products sold in the USA are produced in the USA that he wants to retreat the USA from the world stage.

Throughout his presidential campaign he made clear what he thought. And he's less a man who draws red lines and than don't honour them.

I don't agree on a number of things such as his continuous believe in fossil fuels as I think renewables will create jobs and thus bring prosperity although our current war industry is still power with fossil fuels. I also think we need to help refugees while many people will agree more that they need to be kept outside; of course, upon arrival refugees should be told the rules of our society and accept them or return. But, at least President Trump says what he wants while many other politicians laugh with him but also close borders and invest in more pipelines and thus reliance on fossil fuels.

January 03, 2020 - People beg the world to convince Australia's PM to send help while previous PM Abbott still doesn't believe in man-made climate change

More evacuations in Australia because of the fires.

And a woman begging the world to contact Australia's PM so he may finally agrees to send help. But, maybe he is waiting for a godly interference? Or, does the public needs to become sufficiently angry so he can employ the army to keep him in power? Or, maybe he should tell the public that he is doing things, tell them what he is doing so they know.

But yes, when climate change hits you you can only watch such as in Australia where the fires are too overwhelming. Children were right when they told leaders to act much stronger than they do.

An Israeli journalist can't believe his ears when previous Australian PM Tony Abbott denies man-made climate change and calls it a climate cult, a new religion that he doesn't accept and this while his country is burning. He claims that a focus on emissions reduction in Australia caused blackouts and rising power prices; however, the result of climate change, i.e. huge fires that cost insurance companies millions if not billions, are causing this now. And thus, it's not only the current PM who is in denial but many people who vote for these politicians. Only when they burn in their own houses they will accept something is not right although still question what it may be.

Criticism that the interview was aired is wrong as it is important that we know their viewpoints so we can decide whether to vote for them or not; we can form our opinion by listening to scientists and when we observe what's happening. Still, in the end, the earth will return to a new steady state and will continue although changed. The people who burned to death will not know.

December 31, 2019 - Australia burns and a short history of the making of Greta Thunberg

Australia, still burning. But, according PM, it burns every year so no problems.

I understand very well how illness and depression can change the course of your life, from being content with your life to living a life you have no control of.

And life changed as it did for Greta Thunberg, I hope she continues to be a beacon that indeed the younger generation can be an inspiration for adults that change is possible.

That doesn't mean we can't fly as travelling by car also pollutes but at least airplane companies should be forced to use the most energy efficient planes possible.
That we need to treat animals in a decent way when we may decide to continue to eat them so they have an acceptable life before death.
That we need to invest in new technologies, not only because they are cleaner and thus better for the environment and our health but also because that will be the technologies we and certainly the children of today will use in future.

December 28, 2019 - Afghanistan and its continuing battle with extremism

Thanks to the USA's army and it's allies, there has been relatively peace in Afghanistan although still about 100,000 civilians died over the past years. But, this has more to do with internal and external enemies. Don't forget, any normal government would have extradited someone who masterplanned terrorist attacks on another country, i.e. the USA in which almost 3000 people died. As the Taliban government defended the terrorists it was normal the USA and allies went to Afghanistan. And as the foreign armies are preparing to leave, attacks on civilians are increasing.

How to deal with such a country? First, I think be open when e.g. mistakes are made that kill innocent people as people understand that mistakes can happen; trying to hide it will make people suspicious as it can be exploited.

But, propaganda is important: show the relative peace in the capital and elsewhere as a result of the presence of foreign armies such as people enjoying a coffee and some music in a coffee house. Let locals talk how they enjoy those pleasures, even without alcohol. Show how terrorist attacks interfere with this peace.

Repeat that elections can be held and show discussions in parliament and thus the importance of democracy. Inform that food and water can be plenty during times of peace. I understand that there will be people who refuse to watch but friends and families will talk although I acknowledge this can endanger their lives. Show any defeat of terrorist groups after which positivity such as music and coffee bars are introduced and shown.

Also consider the breakup of the country in case that may be necessary to have peace.

Indeed, extremists are not easily changed as they believe they alone know best, whatever the cost in lives. And thus the population needs to be used against extremists.

December 28, 2019 - Baba Vanga's predictions about 2020

It seems a woman, Baba Vanga, made predictions about 2020 and beyond. Although many won't mind if she's true about President Trump, we shouldn't wish anyone an illness, certainly not when it concerns a world leader as that may worsen situations.
Further, according Wikipedia:
Vanga's supporters also claimed that she predicted the 45th president will be with a "messianic personality", who will be faced with a crisis that eventually "brings the country down".
Messianic sounds like President Trump who nonstop claims to be greater than any other person ever.

She also predicts that the orbit of the earth will change in 2023 and thus in a not too far away future so we can see whether she is right or not.

Concerning the rise of Vladimir as "lord of the world", I agree, he is kingmaker at the UN where the country blocks actions against countries such as Syria which President even actively support and others have to find a way out.

As these events may happen soon, we will be able to see whether they are right or not and thus whether an extra dimension to the visible world exist. Still, it may be better that we don't know a future that we can't change. The world is already mad enough and we don't need more madness. Remember the troubles surrounding the Mayan calendar. However, it shows people feel things are different compared with a decade ago; natural disasters and more protests are a sign of this.

In contrast, our knowledge about climate change should allow us to intervene and invent things for a better future such as renewables that pollute less so we have cleaner air and water, certainly when we allow that (new) forests remove CO2 from the sky. As Judeo-Christian scripture informs, we don't know dates so they can change except the last 1000 years before AI is involved throughout every aspect of our lives.

December 27, 2019 - Criticism of Zambia's position on LGBT people

US ambassador Mr Foote has been recalled because he criticised Zambia's decision to imprison two gay men because they were a couple. He also criticised corruption by Zambia's elite; was he doing this because he believed the White House agrees that corruption should be exposed while he should have known that the US ambassador to Ukraine, Mrs Marie Yovanovitch, was also recalled because she exposed corruption? The article informs that later Mr Foote apologised:
In his statement Mr Foote acknowledged that he had no right to interfere in Zambian policy-making.
I do not agree with his apology. When countries are wrong and deny human rights to people than ambassadors should speak out against the breach and this with the backing of their country. Indeed, often disregard of human rights for one group of people (such as LGBTs) is often done to focus attention away from corruption while often opens the path to disregard for other groups.

December 26, 2019 - Liquid fuel can store the sun's energy

And while people continue to say that solar panels don't produce sufficient amounts of energy, or too much energy so it may damage the power grid, scientists continue to improve solar energy transport and storage. This combined with equipment that has its own batteries instead of one battery that fills a room.

Now politicians need to vote for laws that benefit people and not only companies. The way forward is collaboration between the public and industries so a minimum of investments needs to be made in power production sites with a maximum of energy production and storage to avoid shortages.

December 25, 2019 - Battles within religions

Not only between religions, but also within religions are battles ongoing such as within Christianity whereby some think they are good people when they oppose and demean people from other religions and defend the closure of borders and separation of migrant children from their parents. But, they also preach a reversal of human rights such as for LGBTs because they think that will bring them even more wealth. They are also not great fans of the current Pope Francis I and he is not a fan of them.

December 24, 2019 - Fires in Australia

Australia's fires. Indeed, most importantly it is a disaster for plants and animals and, although humans died, it results mainly in homelessness and nightmares.

But, as the article mentions, also economical it is a disaster. First, for the region as trade is much more difficult.

But, even for the international community. Indeed, the costs for insurance companies worldwide to refund the damage caused will result in difficulties for a growing number of companies. And we can expect more disasters elsewhere.
But, also food is burned while rivers are dry. It seems a large percentage of Australia's vineyards are destroyed and thus expect more expensive wines. Climate change and our interconnected world and thus interconnected problems and very likely increased food and drink prices, certainly for products produced in Australia.

When will scientists simply say: yes, this is the ugly face of climate change as we are warning for and no longer say it may but we can't be sure. Than they can say more money needs to be spent to reverse our economy so less pollution is produced in developed economies while aid should be given to developing countries to develop a clean economy plus plant nature that will capture the excesses of climate change gases. NOW!!! We should not wait until children who demand climate change actions are adults. Then it will be too late to start. Children rely on adults to do something. NOW.

December 23, 2019 - Europe continues to import gas while Australia defends coal

I agree with the USA that the EU-Russian gas pipeline deal is bad: It concerns fossil fuels and thus will contribute to climate change while Europe becomes dependent from Russia that has a disputable human rights record.

People who have depression and may even be suicidal should not become politicians as they can't see clear. Further mining and investments in industries that produce energy the old way are no longer of our time. Unfortunately, but as Australia's PM seems to be religious he may understand this language: as prophesied, all what death is such as coal, gas and oil with be considered more important than life so we continue defending it.

New economies will create work as they need to be made and installed and later maintained and recycled. Invest in this so dependence upon coal and fossil fuels can decrease. How many people need to lose house and even lives when we don't even mention the loses in animal and plant lives before politicians accept the urgency? Why did they go into politics if they don't want to introduce modernity to their country? At least Sydney may be save when all surrounding forests are gone. Or will it?

December 21, 2019 - PM returns home due to Australian fires

Australia's PM finally understood the urgency of the bush fires so he's heading home before the end of his holiday.

Still, before his departure while Australia was already burning (quote)
... he called a press conference to discuss legislation to enshrine religious institutions’ right to discriminate against staff, ....
Thus, discrimination against people for religious reasons is more important than fires that destroy land, buildings and lives. But, religious people often speak about "Armageddon" and "end times" as they say disasters are predicted to happen that can't be stopped. Indeed, they want to proof via prophesies that a God exists who is angry, not because we destroy our planet but because we introduced human rights for everyone.

And thus, as the article shows, ones certain circumstances are reached it results in chain reactions as scientists predicted but also religious people say will happen. One event that can happen during very hot fires are the formation of giant thunderstorms, up to 15 km high that can ignite other fires more than 30 km away. Imaging these storms take moisture into the sky that may create giant hailstones. If it does, may they open the gates of hell as predicted 2000 years ago when people may flip so religions may be able to retake control? Are science and religions going to meet each other? But, in the end their time will be limited because discriminatory laws hurt innocent people and normal humans no longer tolerate this.

Will this be the first New Year without Sydney's firework on the news? Unfortunately but climate change is real.


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