(10k) Alabama introduced an almost absolute ban on abortion

When selfish powerful people are in power, people will suffer. We're walking backwards in time, at least for now. Yes, contraceptives should be promoted as the first solution against pregnancy so the numbers of abortions can be as low as possible. But, rape, serious illness of unborn baby or the pregnant mother and in some cases even unwanted pregnancy may all justify abortion. And now in Alabama, the opponents of abortion introduced a very effective ban : 99 years imprisonment if doctors act and thus few may do, even when an abortion may be the only way to save a woman's life. Only 25 persons, all white men, introduced this ban . On the radio I heard a black man saying that now children, his daughter, who are raped will have to look at a child they didn't want and that will remind them about the horror that happened and this why the child exists. These white guys are discrediting many things we have today because white people introduced them such as the right for abort...