(12q) Why I'm not a "gilet jaune" (yellow jacket)

I'm NOT a gilet jaune (yellow jacket). Yes I sympathise with people who find it increasingly difficult to pay bills, including electricity and fuels to warm houses and drive cars. Still, I don't agree with that what they ask, i.e. cheaper fossil fuels. Indeed, unions should finally start talking reality and that means climate change is real and other energy forms are needed that will create jobs while indeed, those jobs should be where the products are sold and not in developing regions where people are underpaid while here products are still sold too expensive for many. But I accept that many of these demonstrators are not violent thugs although some are too stupid to understand that violence is no solution and use it while also opponents infiltrate to cause troubles so the gilets jaunes will be blamed.

I'm not a gilet jaune
However, I could agree when they would demand subsidies for the less well off to help with the insulation of their houses and installation of solar panels and even other renewables. Yes, not those who earn sufficient to invest in their own properties should receive financial support such as tax reductions or even money; they should be proud they can contribute to society by not claiming money for everything they do.
Yes, the financially weak should receive help. As they earn not much, tax reductions for them are useless but grants are not. This doesn't mean only poor people need support because many rent a house so can do little to change their home, also middle class can receive help for certain projects, and depending what they earn either may have to repay it (partly) or not.
Of course, this cost money and thus, as mentioned higher, tax reductions for the wealthy and big companies are not necessary although this doesn't need to exclude everything. But, if everyone would pay their taxes fairly, taxes can be reduced as low as possible because I too am against unnecessary high taxes. In this way, the wealthy can't become too rich as they have to spend money while now too much money disappears out the economy into their pockets. Indeed, helping many poor is cheaper than refusing tax incomes from companies, the rich and even certain middle class.

But everywhere divisions in society grow: when governments take climate actions than groups like the gilets jaunes protest while when governments think that investments in more fossil fuels such as fracking are essential than people protests for more climate actions. Only when the very rich accept they should moderate and take pride in paying what they should pay and not begging for more tax reductions and other benefits such as return of the cost of restaurant visits or having company cars, only than may society be able to go through climate change with less damage. Unfortunately, the (very) rich mostly don't feel rich enough and will do whatever that benefits themselves at the expense of society. But they should understand, everyone benefits from a fair society, in the longer run also the wealthy.


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