Isis and Turkey

To me, what is happening at this moment around the city of Kobani in northern Syria demonstrates how evil, hidden in people, comes to the surface during crisis moments.

Indeed, the main evil hopes to understand the lesser evil and thus Assad hopes President Erdogan will not help his enemy the Kurds so they may be slaughtered by Isis. But Assad may also hope that, after the fall of Kobani, the Kurds will again start fighting against the Turkish state because President Erdogan allowed the defeat of his enemy, the Kurds. Indeed, unrest between the Kurds and Turkey is already growing because of the refusal at this moment by Turkey to help the Kurds. After Kobani falls, an enemy of Isis will be weaker as many Kurds will be killed while its influence and powers will continue to grow. Another possibility is that Isis offers safety for the Kurds on condition they join them. If only then Isis would attack Turkey, Erdogan will have to fight two fronts (i.e. Kurds and Isis), weakening Turkey's position but also Isis and thus increasing Assad's chances of survival. And then President Erdogan can claim he was right that the Kurds were not to be trusted.

But if indeed President Erdogan may decide to help the Kurds, he may gain their trust. As a consequence, they may thank Turkey and no longer want to fight it. But evil decisions such as not helping people who are under attack by madness always results in people more angry then before and more determined to fight. Of course, as the article suggest, President Erdogan may link the Kurds and Isis and thus think that both are fighting against him. But if this was the case, then these two groups would not kill and thus weaken each other but fight together against Turkey.

To me, it seems that Assad is very lucky that Isis exists because it seems mainly to concentrate its attention and war efforts against other groups than Assad. Therefore, I still want to know the link between Assad and Isis and whether Isis may be part of an elite regime of Assad's army. Remember, in the past was al-Qaida supported by Assad so why not support Isis? Even Iran warns of risk to Israel when Assad is overthrown while the US are fighting against Isis, not Assad as far as I understand. Thus, why does Iran fear for Assad when the US are only fighting Isis (and even seem to warn Assad about strikes)? Unless, again, there is a link between Assad and Isis. It is of course also possible that Iran thinks that the US will one day also attack Assad and not only Isis. Still, Iran should celebrate that the US attacks Isis as it should be their enemy (Shia versus Sunni). I now also understand the fear of the Israelites about Syria. Indeed, their own God promised them that one day evil would come from that region.

And the Kurds, often they fought against dictators (amongst them Saddam Hussein from Iraq), still they never gained respect for their efforts. Now they are trying to halt the further advance of Isis, still many distrust them and hope they get defeated. As a consequence, Isis will become even stronger because as long as they win, there will be no infighting. And a defeat of the Kurds means Isis will control an even larger part of the Syrian-Turkish border.

The Middle East, with the gates to hell while everyone fights over control in the region as if it holds the gates to heaven.

Update 14/10/2014
My writing was not yet cold or an article descibes how the Turkish army bombarded Kurds although also Kurds seem to have attacked Turkish soldiers as I mentioned above may happen. And this happens just at a moment when the Kurds seem to regain some parts of Kobani and thus stop Isis while the airstrikes may weaken the Kurdish fighters and thus help Isis. It is also quite a coinsidence that, according to the Guardian article, in the past the Turkish government employed a sunni group to torture and kill PKK members, thus they employed people from the same ethnic group who mainly join Isis. But I can understand that governments try to stop rebellious groups, certainly when they use weapons. Still, again, now could be a time to work together so the peace agreements could be tested.


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