(01) Introduction to more articles.

Over the next days, weeks, months I am planning to write some articles in relation to my views about the current economic and social problems (it might take that long as I am a little lazy, I am bad in expressing my ideas in writing and mainly because the problems and hence possible solutions to these problems are very complicated, forcing me to think very carefully before publishing anything as I notice sometimes that for one problem I need a solution that is the opposite to another problem making it very difficult to write things down without the solutions contradicting each other).
Some weeks ago, I marched with the Indignados (see a previous article) to ask for a better society (although we knew those with the big money would call us idiots). Now I would also like to contribute towards a solution. I hope some of these articles in my blog might help others to form an answer for some of the many problems. This article will give an introduction of some of the features I might discuss in future articles.
In case anyone might read these articles and has his/her own suggestions, please leave a comment. However, as this article is only an introduction any comment will probably be useless at this stage. Therefore, maybe wait for comments until more detailed articles are written. (By the way, as not many people read my blog, I don't expect (m)any comments).

During the past few years, worldwide things are going wrong as a consequence of wrong decisions made in the past. The bankers (and other industries but also ordinary people) asked for freedom and the politicians gave them what they were asking, removing most of the control on good conduct of their finances. Within a short time, we might enter a second recession while we still feel the effects of the first one. In my articles I will mention some of the wrongs in society, but I will also suggest some of my ideas for possible solutions.

You may wonder why I don't go into politics if I think I have some solutions. Firstly, because my solutions are too radical and will be rejected (at this moment) by most people (even my family find them not possible to achieve (wrong moment to mention this as now people might stop reading further)); secondly, I applied for a job in diplomacy to help to find a solution but failed (one reason: I suggested things that are not possible according to the current diplomatic rules (e.g. I found ALL countries should recognise the International Criminal Court)) and thirtly, by writing down what I think and publishing it I need to think very carefully about the different subjects and people can correct me when I am wrong. In the end, I still can decide to go into politics (although I prefer advising others than being in the spotlines myself as then my thoughts can be corrected when I might become too radical).

An important first question: "Do we need a strong world government or not?". Personally I think we need a strong world organisation. Not an organisation that dictates the rest of the world what we should do but an organisation with democratically elected people from all over the world. These people should discuss problems that concern all people on this planet. But then, the next question will be: "Should all countries be forced to join or should they be free to decide to join voluntarily?". At this moment I think each country should decide for themselves whether or not to join. Forcing countries to join is never good, and when they choose to leave there should be guidelines on how to leave. But if countries decide to join then they have to accept the rules. If they want to change the rules they can try to find a majority in Parliament. (Maybe there should be a place where people can live when they don't want to join the rest?) However, regarding some subjects (e.g. nuclear energy (and weapons)) there shouldn't be any discussion and each country should be forced to accept the international agency so there can be inspections to prevent countries from doing things that can harm other countries. There should be no vetoright within this organisation, only a majority vote system so not a single state can stop the process of the rest of the world (of course, bigger states have more Representatives and therefore more influence).

I think this world organisation should be organised as a FEDERAL system that allows local governments to rule their regions within a bigger worldwide framework. As long as the local politicians behave well the higher government does not need to intervene (the world organisation should have the power to intervene when members behave in a way that threatens the whole structure). This will stimulate local politicians to work well as no politicians like the higher hierarchy to interfere (e.g. at this moment the EU is demanding some of its member states to control there finances if they want support. I find countries should be able to refuse reforming their economies on condition they then have to leave the eurozone and thus forcing them to solve their own problems without external help. Why should healthy countries risk destroying their own economy when the other country doesn't want to change its bad financial situation? However, help should be interest-free because otherwise the country in troubles can't repay the debts. Maybe the money that needs to be paid back should be paid in a fund so the money can be used again when other countries have problems. In future, eurozone countries should have forced to manage their finances better if they want to stay within the eurozone so the system can't collapse anymore that quickly.

Of course, such a world government needs to operate within a framework. What can be used as a framework? The result should be a better society, thus the framework should be based on giving EVERY human access to BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS: the right of basic education, the right to have basic food, the right to live in a basic house, the right to have a job (if someone wants luxury products he/she has to pay extra for them). A fairer society with human rights for everyone does not mean people can do as they please. One cannot bully another person, drive on the wrong side of the street or decide not to pay taxes because that reduces other people's human rights. Thus "human rights" means respect from one person to the other people and because each person respects the rights of the others, only few laws are necessary. Everyone should behave towards each other within the expression: "You shall not do to others what you do not want others to do to you". Therefore, the possibility of punishment to prevent some people harming others is part of human rights, but after the punishment people should get a second chance. If people know they can be punished for behaving badly (e.g. prison sentence when they bankrupt society) it is less likely they will behave badly.

I have some (radical) ideas regarding a new system concerning work and its payment. Firstly, I would abolish all bonusses (many people will not agree although I will discuss an alternative and (I think) quite logical system). This system might result in a more equal society around the world (again, not all people want this as some people become rich because others are poor). Most people in the world (in the so-called Third World countries) will gain with this plan, the big earners will lose (and as a result they will not agree although I will try to explain why earning less than now is not necessarily bad) while most people on an average income will not notice much differences. Maybe I am wrong, that is why I want to discuss this further. (By the way, there will always be poor and rich people, and my system allows this so it is not communism).

Thus, in future articles I will write about:
  • how to organise a world government (three-power concept) and why I think it to be good for democracy;
  • how to organise local governments (based upon the same three-power concept);
  • how to organise free and democratic elections (not so evident in many countries);
  • how to express respect for other people, including towards and between politicians (again, based on the three-power concept plus an external force as independent judge if necessary);
  • how to organise a society from becoming imbalanced (e.g. regarding rich-poor) and thus avoid revolutions;
  • how to reward and punish people for their behaviour;
  • why I think we should abolish political parties and make it possible for individuals to become members of Parliament. However, first society needs to be reorganised. These individuals can now vote according to their own conscience and not according to what a party dictates (of course, that doesn't mean people can't organise in groups but elections should be based upon individuals and not political parties);
  • why I think free immigration should be possible. However, at this moment this is not possible as there is too much unequality between countries so too many poor people will move to rich countries and this will cause problems. As mentioned above, I might have a plan to reduce inequality;
  • why I support GM food (vegetables) after it has been scientifically proven they are safe. But indeed, they should not be cultured as a monoculture (as diseases will mutate and be able to destroy them) but as a new variety growing together with other vegetables, therefore helping to prevent the spread of diseases; 
  • why I believe Esperanto (or another not spoken language) should become the official world language;
  • more things when time will come and according to subject in the news.
I allow me the freedom to discuss the above mentioned points in a different order. Some subjects may not have their own article but may be discussed in a variety of articles as part of a larger context (e.g. immigration and a fairer world society). I will try to prevent articles being too long, although this might not be possible (but then I might publish them spread over a few days).

There will be flaws in some if not all of my ideas. Other times I will be unable to solve a problem. Therefore, in case you might read my blog and you are interested in some (all) of these subjects, join in to discuss new ways of organising future society. Ask questions and suggest new ideas for a better society. In doing so, we think together how to improve our world. You can tell why you think I am wrong (or right). I might change my mind and abolish or improve my ideas while other times I might reason why I think my idea is ok. In the end, it may all be rubbish. Nevertheless, in doing this exercice people might find some ideas useful to implement in their own society. This blog will be an open platform that everyone can join as the Occupy ... movements and Indignados are asking: more democracy. I only ask to be polite when posting a comment.

I hope all together we might find a solution for the current problems that will improve our world for a long time to come, here or via other blogs.
Note 1: You can add comments anonymous if you prefer.
Note 2: I discuss things here and not on general platforms as here I can adjust my thoughts. Maybe later a general platform can be started where agreed suggestions can be published. Otherwise, the articles published in this blog are an exercice to calm down my raging brain.


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