Black Pride
Last Saturday, 15 August, I went to Regent's Park, London for Black Pride. I bought the ticket at Brighton Pride a few weeks earlier (I still have to report on that pride) so I could not escape this time (previous years I forgot about it or I was too lazy to go). Ticket price in advance: £5.00 - at the entrance of the park: £10.00.

Trevor and Polish guy Love his colourful clothes He said a few times 'Hello'
I met a number of photos from the people. I met a lovely girl. We spoke a little and she was very natural on the photo. Other people were dancing, and for whatever reason, many people wanted to pose after leaving the toilet.
During the day there was music and a number of performances from people who wanted to show off their talents. In the evening there was a performance by Timberley Knight (?). She was good. After her performance, we had another hour before the whole time finished. We had a nice day. Afterwards, Trevor and I didn't go clubbing, instead we went to my place.

One of the amateurs Beverly Knight performing
The ennoying thing was that somewhere else was 'Milk in the Park' about the murdered gay mayor of San Francisco, so it was not that busy at Black Pride as more people went to the other event. I hope next year there will be more people so there will be more fun.
I arrived at 1:45pm at Regent's Park tube station were Trevor was waiting (we bought the tickets together). From there we walked towards the park, a ten minutes walk. After passing the security, we entered the enclosure. It was a nice area with two parts. The first one had a few stalls that adverticed things from safe sex over religion to swimming clubs. There was also a tent where music was played and a few people were dancing. However, most of the area was empty.
Me and Trevor
We walked to the next area where food and drinks were sold. Here was also a podium. After buying some food, we laid down in the grass. It was a very nice day with the sun shining (different from Brighton Pride where it was pouring down the whole day). I had vegetarian curry with rice. Afterwards we had a drink and a walk around the whole area. Hereby I met some friends, such as Peter and Wingston. I also made some photos. Not only did I speak with friends, I also met some people. One guy was especially interested in Trevor. He was Polish and just started to mix with other coloured people, in particular black people (first picture below). I also spoke with a black guy dressed with colourful clothes: pink shirt and greenish trousers (my type of man).

Trevor and Polish guy Love his colourful clothes He said a few times 'Hello'
I met a number of photos from the people. I met a lovely girl. We spoke a little and she was very natural on the photo. Other people were dancing, and for whatever reason, many people wanted to pose after leaving the toilet.

During the day there was music and a number of performances from people who wanted to show off their talents. In the evening there was a performance by Timberley Knight (?). She was good. After her performance, we had another hour before the whole time finished. We had a nice day. Afterwards, Trevor and I didn't go clubbing, instead we went to my place.

One of the amateurs Beverly Knight performing
The ennoying thing was that somewhere else was 'Milk in the Park' about the murdered gay mayor of San Francisco, so it was not that busy at Black Pride as more people went to the other event. I hope next year there will be more people so there will be more fun.