What a miserable bank holiday

I'm getting better and better. A detox whereby no alcohol and sugar but with lots of vegetables and fruit and oxygen and friendly gut bacterien really did wonders.

The past weekend was longer than normal as it is a bank holiday in the UK, this means an extra free Monday. However, it was the wrong weekend: Saturday was a beautiful day as can be seen on my previous blog with my visit to Kew Garden, although the wind was cold. However, Saturday nacht, Sunday morning and nacht and most of Monday day the rain was poring down and the temperature was low (I was wearing my winter jacket again).

Sunday afternoon, the weather was slightly better and I walked along the river Thames towards Canary Warf, a walk of about 45min. Here I also watched "Cassandra's Dream", a film with Ewan McGregor and Colin Farrell. Colin played the same role as in another movie I saw a few weeks ago, "In Bruges". In both movies he plays a person who kills someone, and this makes him depressive, he wants to commit suicide. In both movies he plays in the same way. My opinion, if an actor is asked to play similar roles, he should refuse one or the other role as otherwise he plays it in exactly the same way, what is not very interesting for the people watching it.

Today I had to go out in the rain (although it was raining less heavy in the afternoon) for shopping. I decided I would walk as this calms a person, and while walking, I was also doing some meditation by slowly and deeply breathing in and out. After some time, I start feeling as if I'm in a better world, a more relaxed world (although the rest of the world passes in the same fast speed).

After my shopping, I cooked a small meal, and now some typing on my blog, and that is the end of the day again. Then going to bed after listening to Radio 4 (BBC, is classical music) and later to Radio 3 (BBC, news and background), so that I will be ready for work tomorrow.

Het afgelopen weekend was verschrikkelijk. Zaterdag ben ik naar Kew Garden geweest (zie vorige blog) waarbij het weer meeviel: zonnig maar een koude wind. Echter vanaf zaterdagnacht tot maandagnacht heeft het bijna onafgebroken gegoten of gedruppeld. Zondagnamiddag was het droog en ben ik naar Canary Warf gewandeld (ongeveer 45 min) en heb er ook de film "Cassandra's Dream" gezien. Colin Farrell speelde er een bijna identieke rol als in de film "In Bruges", dus dat was een beetje afgezaagd. Vandaag, maandag, heeft het niet gestopt met regenen. Ik ben in de namiddag boodschappen gaan doen, heb deze blog geschreven en dan naar bed om morgen fris te beginnen werken.


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