(17f) Gun lobby sinks deep after last school schooting

How low can you sink as a human when those who sell guns ridicule the victims of a shooting massacre at a school? And it's not only the weapon lobby, also certain politicians call opponents who want stricter gun laws " leftists who create the crisis " and thus are America's bad side. Still, I also believe many are really convinced that the solution in a country packed with weapons are "more guns but for the good guys" to stop more massacres. Also President Trump stunt allies as he seemed to agree that stricter gun laws are necessary and thus had a topic to unite with the Democrats although this creates opposition by majority of his own parties (and thus, whoever is in power has either extreme followers and extreme opponents). Still, later he seemed to have changed his mind after he discussed the issue with the weapon lobby. Another group of politicians are the opportunists, those who think they can win elections by being supportive of the second ...