(12p) Methane and Climate change

Finely, a recent measure suggests that the rise in C02-levels are now almost under control. Unfortunately, now methane-levels (CH4, an about 20 times more powerful greenhouse gas than C02 although with a shorter life) is rising at an alarming speed . They (i.e. scientists) are wondering why this is happening and where it comes from. Of course, they have ideas. Chemical formulas of the main greenhouse gasses : (a) water vapor, (b) carbon dioxyde, (c) methane, (d) nitrous oxide and (e) ozone while the group of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) is too large to show. Possible origins of increase in methane First, they think probably agriculture is mainly to blame as it produces methane while CO2 is the main component from burning fossil fuels and thus mainly manmade. Thus, while now the release of CO2 slows down, the release of CH4 increases. The result may be that many people will focus attention on animals such as cows and pigs who fart and thus release organic gasses (as do ...