(05g) Contributions to EU

The UK has to pay a larger contribution to the EU budget (about 2.1 billion Euro extra (!!!), to be found within about one month) and even the poorest country of the EU, troubled Greece but also Italy, seems to be forced to pay more while France and Germany get some money back. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..., I lay flat on my stomach from laughing if it was not so tragic. And the European Commission is even defending this by claiming it is right because statisticians did the calculations. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..., I lay (again) flat on my stomach from laughing if it was not so tragic. Europe really is alienating everyone in the Union although some countries don't mind the collapse of the EU while other countries don't mind getting a reduction on their contribution. And thus the statisticians did their calculations and many saw it was good. However, statistics are meant to give information so politician...