(8k) Kristallnacht. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Situation today.

Kristallnacht , in English known as Night of the Broken Glass On 9 November 2023, the world, or at least the West, remembered that 85 years ago Kristallnacht happened. It was on the night of 9 to 10 November 1938 that Hitler ordered thugs that included SA and SS officers, and some Hitler youth and German citizens to attack synagogues and other Jewish property, while police and fire officers were ordered not to intervene unless non-Jew property was under threat to burn down. About 90 Jews died, 30,000 were imprisoned in concentration camps where more Jews died, and over 7,000 Jewish businesses were destroyed. Why did this happen? Hitler used a specific incident to allow the terrible night to happen. The pretext for this event happened in Paris, France. Here a young in Germany born Polish Jewish man Herschel Grynszpan murdered the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath because he was angry about Germany's anti-Jewish laws and the resulting bad treatment of Jews (although some people think...