Non-justice in Belgium - The terrorist trial

This morning. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that Flemish victims need to pay for the translation of their documents so that they are receptive. After nearly 200 years of existence as a bilingual country, Belgium still doesn't know how to deal with it, and thus to justify its continued existence. Situation In 2016, terrorist attacks at the airport and a metro station in Brussels killed 32 victims (while also three perpetrators died) and wounded hundreds of people, both Flemish, Walloons and foreigners. Now the trial started in the bilingual city Brussels. Still, the Court decided to choose the language French as the working language. And thus, while Walloons can submit documents in their own language, Flemish, but probably also foreigners, must also submit in French all their documents, such as reports by doctors who they consulted most likely in their own language to treat their injuries, and the victims need to pay expensive legally approved translators, or the docu...