(15e) Afghanistan, 50 years of hell and no end in sight

Since before August 2020 and still , many discuss America's involvement in Afghanistan as the USA retreated from Afghanistan, together with its allies. Certain people voice happiness as the USA seems to be defeated and they hope the USA may collapse, just as the Soviet Union did not long after it retreated from Afghanistan, and as many other empires did before in that troubled country. For the world, I hope the USA is not defeated as a power as we still need it (without saying the USA never made mistakes such as support of dictators). Publications condemn the West for having left Afghanistan and even suggest the Russians were not as bad as Western policies. I do agree we should have help Afghans who helped the West during the occupation as these people are now at the mercy of the Taliban. But, I do not agree that we need to provide help when people didn't accept freedom when it was in the country and even fought against it and killed Western soldiers. In this publication I sta...