15/08/1945 - End of World War II

English - 75 years ago Japan surrendered and WWII ended 15 August 2020 marks 75 years since Japan's emperor Hirohito ordered his soldiers to stop fighting and to surrender . This happened after the West decided to first seriously firebomb Tokyo in March 1945, killing about 100,000 people and making many homeless (although such bombings happened before and ended only on 15 August when Japan surrendered - similar things were done in nazi Germany to hasten its fall after both country's evil regimes did the same in the countries they attacked). After this destruction and because Japan decided to continue to fight, the USA dropped two atomic bombs, one on Hiroshima and another on Nagasaki in August 1945 after which the war ended as the emperor understood such a weapon was too powerful. Although terrible, we should not forget that this use of violence was to save the lives of American soldiers and their allies. The cartoon " Grave of the Fireflies " by Isao Takaha...