
Showing posts from December, 2019

(13f) Love letter by Mr Timmermans to Britain

Mr Frans Timmermans, executive vice-president of the European Commission, wrote a letter which he calls a love letter as a response to the UK that may be leaving the EU soon, the so-called Brexit. In his letter he tells the British that they are more than welcome to return may they decide to do so. Of course, after Brexit is completed, the British can return if they wish. But, I think, first Brexit has to be completed and the sooner the better so relations can return to normal and the UK may consider to rejoin. Or not. Organisation of referendum First, in the fifth paragraph of the letter Mr Timmermans mentions although not by name that David Cameron made a wrong decision when he organised the EU referendum. I don't agree; even the LibDems who were in the coalition with the Tories didn't block the referendum as they could have done by leaving the government. I accept many politicians may have thought that organising the referendum would have silenced the leavers whi...

EU - Russia bad deal

I agree with US President Trump when he condemns Europe and approves sanctions against companies for Europe's gas deal with Russia as we become indeed too dependent from Russia. Two main reasons why I think this is a bad deal: climate change and Russia's bad influence in the world that needs funding. But, I also understand it is against the USA's fossil fuel trade with Europe. Wrong energy Europe, always telling others they need to take climate change serious because it will be bad for (Europe's) economy while it seems Europe doesn't mind poor regions remain poor. Europe condemns Brazil and other countries when they burn and destroy their forests to use the land to culture food that is exported to Europe. Europe also uses hard wood that come from forests. And yes, land is also used to build cities for growing populations. But, also Europe continues to destroy its few forests instead of replacing derelict buildings. Europe also asks developing nations a...

(10l) The right to decide how to die

Marieke Vervoort . Belgian Paralympics champion. In October 2019 she, or better her body decided for her that further living became unbearable painful. And thus, although she wanted to live, her body decided it was time to use Belgium's right to die a dignified death under Belgium's euthanasia law. Indeed, sometimes Belgium can be an example for the rest of the world. A touching NY Times article to honour her and a personal thought by the photographer who pictured her during the past years to show that euthanasia is not something that is an easy escape route as she postponed her end a few times until it was clear to everyone her suffering became too much. It seems the parents are not happy with the photos although I hope they change their mind in future. Indeed, Marieke wanted to show the world why dignified death is not something wrong. Euthanasia in any circumstances without judgment And although euthanasia is possible with the possibility to cancel the final end unt...