Anti-Semitism in Europe? It still exist.

Unbelievable in our modern times. Indeed, to paint swastikas on Jewish graves visualizes real antisemitism. This is different from opposing Israel's policies whereby for instance the current PM Netanyahu suggests a slightly less radical extreme right Jewish party to fuse with a more extreme one so they can have sufficient votes to be elected for parliament and with the promise they will receive two ministers in Israel's next government. And thus each may bow for the other to remain/gain power and rule the land. One of these parties is so extreme they want the removal of any Palestinian from Israel and install a Jewish theocracy while the Palestinians may be the Jews who didn't leave their land after the Jews were defeated by Emperor Hadrian and later converted to Islam as earlier some Jews converted to Christianity. Indeed, each society has its extreme right and who consider themselves as Übermenschen. And as it seems it is prophesied that Israel will one day become Jew...