(15d) Previous USA President Obama gave advise

Former USA President Barack Obama hit the hammer on the nail when he spoke at a Democrats fundraiser event . Democrats should stop mourning the loss of the presidential elections 2016 and start to say what they may do when in power. Analyse why then Mr and now President Donald Trump won the elections and find solutions that are better and include almost everyone in society. Otherwise, those " who are " today will be those " who were " tomorrow as the recent N.Y. democratic elections demonstrated when the main candidate lost from an inexperienced "socialist" Democrat . Still, whatever solution, some people will have none of them except the most extreme. Therefore, politicians should stop to listen to and talk with almost exclusively only (multi)millionaires and billionaires to hear their solutions, i.e. more tax reductions for the rich to stimulate the economy and more penalties for those who don't work, including seriously ill people . Those wealt...