(15c) Mr Obama and (dis)trust in governments

Indeed, governments should aim that people trust them to avoid anger. For me, the way to do this is not by blocking contend on the internet but via openness by governments whereby they should respond to misinformation while the information they publish can then be checked by professionals and the general public, including opponents. Of course, hateful messages that aim to hurt people should be blocked but with an explanation why. And thus, blaming Russia for the victories of Mr Trump or Brexit is (I think) rubbish because there was sufficient information on the internet and media and via direct contact between people with discussions amongst politicians, experts and the general public so most people were sufficiently informed to vote as they did; this is confirmed by the fact that opinion on these (and other) matters changes only little. Only when access to information is blocked is it understandable that people think as their leaders indoctrinate them to do as they don't have oth...