Influencing our destiny - and then it gets destroyed so it has to reshape itself - Part 4

The future Do I think there are too many people on this planet as some people do? Just as the book " Adventures in the Anthropocene: A journey to the heart of the planet we made " by Gaia Vince, Chatto & Windus (I read the review in the article " Ode to humanity " in New Scientist, 28 June 2014, p. 46) seems to suggest that the earth may be able to maintain 10 billion people, I don't think there are too many people on condition we behave differently. E.g. we could stop eating fish so they can recover from our overfishing while those who claim we need omega-3 fats from fish: they are added in many butters. We could stop killing animals (for fun) so their numbers can recover in the wild while meat-eaters can eat laboratory-grown meat (in future). We could use cleaner and renewable energy so rivers, land and sky will be less polluted while we have cheaper energy. We could share more of our wealth over the planet so poor people don't need to join cri...