Homosexuality in Africa

In Uganda, people were celebrating that anti-homosexual laws, voted in the Parliament came into law. People even involved children in the celebrations, thus indoctrinating them to become dangerous towards gay people (and those they think are gay). This because some people spread rumours that gays are evil. A poster promoting a film about gay love in Africa. In January it was Nigeria where president Goodluck Jonathan signed an anti-gay bill into law while recently also Uganda got its laws after president Yoweri Museveni signed them . But also in many other African countries the situation is bad. These laws include imprisonment for everyone who is gay but also for everyone who doesn't report homosexuals to the police (and thus prisons may fill with homosexuals but also with those who look gay or those who do not report but even with those who are suspected of not reporting homosexuals such as parents and other family or friends; in summary only the worst people may remai...