End of lions

A zoo, completely loosing its mind. First, it killed a giraffe that was born in the zoo and showed children that killing is only a game and part of life and thus can be done for fun and education. Now, the same zoo killed four (4 !!!) lions , one beautiful male and his female with their two 10-month old cubs so they can be replaced with one (1) male lion. All this was done for science to prevent future inbreeding but also to prevent that the new male lion would kill the male cub (how science can give itself a bad name when some scientists show so little feelings for other animals while one would expect a zoo understands more than anyone else that even animals like to live by having studied them) . How the animals looked like a happy and proud family . It seems that now at least the zoo tried to find another place to house the animals but failed while it seems they may already have learned from their past mistake by not showing children how animals (who trust their owners) are killed ...