Italian food, so nice, even when self prepared

Today, I prepared something Italian. I loved it and therefore want to share it. Ingredients: Almond and pine nuts Green asparagus Mushrooms Wok mix Pasta: Mezzelune con verdure alla griglia Garlic Herbs Olive oil and spicy olive oil Let's start ... The pasta are mezzelune filled with basil, spinach and grilled vegetables including courgette and aubergine. I bought it prepared in a package and only needed to boil it for about 3-4 min but if you really like cooking, you may try to prepare it yourself (I won't). In addition, I decided there needed some extra vegetables so I can use the pasta spread over two days. Therefore, I cut some green asparagus in half and some mushrooms in small pieces. I also used mixed sprouting vegetables called "wok mix". Finally, I cut a garlic in small pieces. Some of the ingredients, i.e. "wok mix", mushrooms, green asparagus and garlic together with the pasta While I started heating the water, I added some ...