(12i) Flying - a necessary evil when one wants to meet other cultures

We all know climate is changing (although many don't want to acknowledge) and thus recently there was a discussion on the Flemish radio (as in other media) about the environmental cost of tourism. Indeed, planes burn fuel and thus pollute (quite heavily). Still, I think tourism should continue as it brings people together and provides jobs while I think it is less polluting than other industries when correctly used. Low flying plane above Windsor Palace, UK That doesn't mean flying shouldn't be done differently. Short distances can be done by train or bus that are less polluting while long distances can be made by plane . Indeed, planes (similarly as buses and trains) transport many people at ones and thus may be less polluting per persona than we assume (unless it is a private plane that only transports a few people). This is on condition that airlines stop flying short-distances as start and finish are always the most polluting moments while the in-between are...